Database providing access to the High Technology Network's industrial research offering: research competences, type of analyses and tests available at the Laboratories. Companies can consult the Catalogue to find Laboratories and researchers that match their needs.

Results: 47
Apps for UV, UAV Management
Automation of bioinformatic pipelines
Autonomous guidance and obstacle detection
Clinical requirements analysis
Comparative numerical analysis
Consumer Unmanned technologies
Data processing
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: "selection of the conditioning"
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: 2D and 3D alignment of Radiological Data
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: calibration and performance verification
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: cross-validation, repeatability and reliability studies
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: design of communication protocols and integration between components and instrumentations
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: design of experimental protocols and clinical trials
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: field evaluation
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: hardware and sensors design, for analysis, storage and transmission
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: Segmentation of fluoroscopy data
Diagnostic biomedical equipments: software design for signals elaboration
Diagnostic biomedical equipments:design of recognition and classification algorithms
Gene Network reconstruction
Identification and validation of biomarkers
Integrative analisi of gene expression data and data from meta-analysis
Integrative analysis of Copy Number Variation data and Gene Exprtession
Integrative analysis of Gene expression and clinical data
Molecular Cytogenetics (CGH, CMA)
Next generation sequencing (NGS)
Numerical optimization of biomedical instrumentation
Prediction of effect of sequence variants on mRNA splicing
Preprocessing and sample storage (biobanking)
Quality assessment
Robot and high level android Management
Sample processing
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: analysis of the electrical safety
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: design of control and / or adaptation algorithms
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: design of the storage and transmission systems
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: electromechanical and regulation devices design
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: ergonomics
Therapeutic biomedical equipments: evaluation and optimization of therapeutic treatments through quantitative methods (Evidence-based Medicine)