Database providing access to the High Technology Network's industrial research offering: research competences, type of analyses and tests available at the Laboratories. Companies can consult the Catalogue to find Laboratories and researchers that match their needs.

Results: 448
behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move
behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move (ISO 9001, GLP)
behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move with video tracking
Biodistribution analysis
Biologic evaluation of scaffoldswith 3D cultures in dynamic regime in bioreactor
Biomechanical evaluations
Building tender services
Buildings mapping connected to database for buildings management (BIM models)
Catalogue of high-performance PLANT SYSTEMS
Catalogue of INSULATING MATERIALS (organic and inorganic) and generation of ad hoc catalogues
Catalogue of the different types of FIXTURES
Cataloguing and ICCD inventory
Cataloguing of non-traditional cultural heritage
Cataloguing services of works of art
Cataloguing, evaluation and diagnosis of the conservation state of the buildings and artefacts
Cell based high content imaging and screening
Ceramics or ibrid implantable formulations for controlled release of drugs
Characterization of biological attack on specimens
Chemical analysis of soluble salts and identification of degradation product for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage
Chemical Analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements for ARTEFACTS CHARACTERIZATION, and of materials for treatment and restoration
Chemical, metallurgical and microstructural analysis of steels, copper alloys and other metallic ALLOYS for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage
Chemico-physical-morphological-ultrastructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of the scaffolds
Classification and certification of ornamental rocks and painting pigments
Clinical assessment
Clinical indicator mining from analysis of RX, TC, MR and 2D 3D eco images
Clinical requirements analysis
Clinical trials for scaffold validation
Coatings, surface treatments and non - destructive techniques
Communication and educational design project
Communication databases for exhibition design
Communication protocol
Comparative numerical analysis
COMPARATIVE TESTS in natural conditions (in the field) and accelerated lifetime (in the laboratory)
Computed microtomography in vivo (small size)
Conservation status diagnostics and cataloging of artefacts and murals
Construction documentation services
Construction management on site for recovery and processing of SPECIAL PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION, with expenditure items
Construction site monitoring
Construction supervision and safety management