Via Pietro Vivarelli 10 - Modena (MO)
Il Centro Interdipartimentale CRICT-UniMoRe raccoglie competenze tecniche e scientifiche nell’ambito dell’ingegneria sismica, idraulica e civile e delle scienze geologiche e ambientali volte, in particolare, alla valutazione e gestione dei rischi naturali (sisma, alluvioni, dispersione di inquinanti, ecc…) e alla progettazione avanzata di strutture e infrastrutture del territorio. Gli obiettivi del Centro includono la prevenzione dei danni e la protezione delle strutture nei riguardi delle calamità naturali e dei dissesti ambientali, la caratterizzazione fisica e meccanica di materiali innovativi e delle strutture, la progettazione e il monitoraggio delle infrastrutture e del territorio, nonché il miglioramento della qualità dell'ambiente. Con tali finalità, il Centro, oltre a implementare le attività e i progetti programmati nel settore della industria delle costruzioni e della tutela del territorio e dell’ambiente, favorisce lo scambio di informazioni e iniziative scientifiche e formative atte a promuovere collaborazioni interdisciplinari nei predetti ambiti culturali, sia a livello regionale che nazionale ed internazionale, con particolare riguardo all’Unione Europea.
Il Centro CRICT-UniMoRe coordina, tramite i propri afferenti, le unità operative per le attività di ricerca, cura i programmi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, anche in collaborazione con altri Atenei, nazionali e internazionali, enti pubblici e privati e promuove attività di divulgazione scientifica.
Costruzioni, Sismica e Ingegneria Strutturale.
Ingegneria Ambientale
Ingegneria Idraulica, Idrologia e Costruzioni Idrauliche.
Ingegneria dei Materiali da Costruzione
Materie Prime e Bonifica Ambientale (Amianto, Suolo, Acqua)
Geologia del territorio e degrado materiali da costruzione
Georischi e sicurezza territoriale, conservazione ambientale
Geochimica e petrografia ambientale
Aziende del settore delle costruzioni/edilizia
Aziende del settore ceramico/chimico
Enti pubblici/pubbliche amministrazioni
- Porous materials (foams, sponges, etc) - Luca Lanzoni
Materials and components for high performance building
- Analysis of the Standards concerning the methods of measurement of MATERIALS and COMPONENTS properties - Luca Lanzoni
- Database of ceramic materials - Luca Lanzoni
- Determination of the characteristics, properties and parameters of BUILDING MATERIALS - Luca Lanzoni
- Modeling and evaluation of mechanical properties, durability, resistance to environmental factors, energy efficiency and insulation properties of MATERIALS - Luca Lanzoni
- Reuse of waste from MATERIALS - Luca Lanzoni
- Measurement, testing, certification campaign, according to Standards or customer specification on MATERIALS and COMPONENTS - Luca Lanzoni
- Study and mechanical characterization of INNOVATIVE FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE, self-compacting and spray applied (shrinkage and creep tests) - Luca Lanzoni
- Study of the mechanical behavior of a.c.c.-, brick- and wood-STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS a.c. reinforced with composite materials - Luca Lanzoni
- Study of INNOVATIVE COMPOSITE MATERIALS and environmental sustainability analysis of the REINFORCING SYSTEM - Luca Lanzoni
- Methods for the INERT MATERIALS RECOVERY, deriving from building demolition and construction, for the production of bricks and cement - Luca Lanzoni
- Assessment of the absence of toxic and harmful substances in building materials (asbestos, radioactive minerals, radon, ...) - Luca Lanzoni
New high structural performance building
- Use of default settings for static and dynamic mechanical stress computation codes - Luca Lanzoni
- Pre-built structures - Luca Lanzoni
(Revamp) Regeneration of buildings
- Photographic, radiographic and spectroscopic techniques and imaging. - Cristina Castagnetti
- Thermographic detection and infrared diagnosis (IR), and non-destructive point analysis - Cristina Castagnetti
- Buildings mapping connected to database for buildings management (BIM models) - Cristina Castagnetti
- Structural and seismic vulnerability analysis - Luca Lanzoni
- QUICK seismic vulnerability analysis on concrete or masonry based buildings - Luca Lanzoni
- Structural - seismic reinforcement and consolidation - Luca Lanzoni
- Coatings, surface treatments and non - destructive techniques - Luca Lanzoni
- Focused and seasonal detection campaigns, with result's statistical analysis of constructions - Cristina Castagnetti
- Assessment of priorities and process of design strategies to find a solution for buildings damage - Luca Lanzoni
Restoration of cultural heritage
- Preservation protocols for masonry cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Historic construction materials and techniques for building heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Modeling, evaluating and managing strategies of decay in cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Environmental analysis related to cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Architectural, stratigraphic and 3D survey for cultural heritage and contemporary art - Cristina Castagnetti
- Digital architectural and landscape survey - Cristina Castagnetti
- Materials, methods and tecnologies for innovation in historic buildings preservation - Luca Lanzoni
- Structural assessment, seismic vulnerability analysis and reinforcement strategies for historic building - Luca Lanzoni
- Non-invasive structural tests for historic buildings - Luca Lanzoni
- Materials analysis, including glass, ceramics, mosaic and innovative materials, for contemporary art - Luca Lanzoni
- Monitoring and determination of operating parameters of work of art - Luca Lanzoni
Ceramics materials traditional, advanced, functionalized and / or with low environmental impact
- RAW MATERIALS: chracterization, properties and quality control - Luca Lanzoni
- FUNCTIONALIZATION of ceramic materials - Luca Lanzoni
- PRODUCTS (tiles,bricks, sanitaryware, technical ceramics, advanced ceramics): determination of characteristics, properties and quality control - Luca Lanzoni
- ENVIRONMENTAL WITHDRAWAL in production plants - Luca Lanzoni
- Requirementa and METHODOLOGIES of adhesives and sealing agents for ceramic tiles (adhesives data base) - Luca Lanzoni
- STUDIES and RESEARCH programm on ceramic materials - Luca Lanzoni
Monitoring and enhancement of archaeological and paleontological risk areas
- Geological and geomorphological analysis and drafting archeological chart - Luca Lanzoni
- Data mining and data acquisition, including GIS-based information system - Luca Lanzoni
- Integrated geological-geophysical studies, tomography, electrical resistivity and ground penetrating radar - Luca Lanzoni
- Taphonomic studies: sedimentological and micromorphological analyses - Luca Lanzoni
- Stratigraphic excavation - Luca Lanzoni
- Document automation, including GIS-based information system - Luca Lanzoni
- Micro-Stratigraphic Analysis - Luca Lanzoni
- Physical properties materials testing and measurement for the porpouse of their preservation - Luca Lanzoni
- Inclusive cultural heritage: designing didactic route related to archeological and paleontological sites - Luca Lanzoni
- Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of anthropological, paleontological and archeological materials - Luca Lanzoni
Museum design and exhibition design
- Integrated system for building survey - Cristina Castagnetti
- 3D modeling for museums exhibition design - Luca Lanzoni
- Integrated technology for the survey of exhibition area - Cristina Castagnetti
Diagnostics and conservation (diagnosis, monitoring, fruition) of cultural heritage
- Identification of the constituent materials of the buildings - Luca Lanzoni
- Spectroscopic, photographic, radiographic and diagnostic techniques for images for MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION in cultural heritage conservation - Luca Lanzoni
- Analysis of the degradation and corrosion phenomenon of metallic materials for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Non invasive analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Granulometric, mineralogical and petrochemical analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Mineralogical and petrographic analysis in laboratory - Luca Lanzoni
- Classification and certification of ornamental rocks and painting pigments - Luca Lanzoni
- Chemical analysis of soluble salts and identification of degradation product for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- IN SITU chemical analysis of soluble salts with portable spectrophotometer for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Chemical Analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements for ARTEFACTS CHARACTERIZATION, and of materials for treatment and restoration - Luca Lanzoni
- Optical and electronic microscopy of buildings and cultural heritage - Luca Lanzoni
- Ageing tests for degradation products and verification of structural, petrophysical and textural changes - Luca Lanzoni
- MICROANALYSIS with the portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer - Luca Lanzoni
- Study of innovative non-destructive investigation and semi-destructive techniques for CHARACTERIZATION OF MECHANICAL STRUCTURES - Luca Lanzoni
Civil and building Infrastructure (including renewable water sources and geothermal )
- DYNAMIC identification of buildings and infrastructures, such as railway bridges, motorway bridge and footbridge. - Luca Lanzoni
- Development of protocols and investigation methods for the integrated management of the URBAN WATER SYSTEMS and for the monitoring of pipelines - Luca Lanzoni
- Occasional measuring and / or STREAM MONITORING, solid transport and waves in river and coastal environment . - Luca Lanzoni
- Life cycle analysis of HYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURE - Luca Lanzoni
- Feasibility studies and planning of works for the EROSION DEFENCE of the riverbed through advanced numerical modeling - Luca Lanzoni
- Design and verification of MARITIME INFRASTRUCTURE for the coast defense - Luca Lanzoni
- Technologies for the SEA BOTTOM MAINTAINING at to the ports' entrance - Luca Lanzoni
- Physical modeling of traditional and innovative MARITIME INFRASTRUCTURE. - Luca Lanzoni
- Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of infrastructure and interventions at sea. - Luca Lanzoni
- Feasibility studies, impact analysis, verification of the efects on the land-use, water resources or particular accumulation infrastructures - Luca Lanzoni
- Hydraulic design of civil infrastructure that exist on riverbeds (embankments, bridges, etc.). - Luca Lanzoni
- Advanced numerical modeling of aquaduct systems and application of optimization algorithms (management and loss mitigation) - Luca Lanzoni
- Modeling of the components for the integrated water system from the LCA perspective for the optimization of environmental performance, technology and process. - Luca Lanzoni
- Specific measures for water systems and water supply networks - Luca Lanzoni
- CONVERSION devices for renewable energy derived from waves and tides and the marine environment in general - Luca Lanzoni
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Luca Lanzoni
Tools and methods for sustainability
Ecosystem services
- Soil remediation - Luca Lanzoni
Sustainable mobility
- Analysis and tests of compliance with atmospheric emission limits - Luca Lanzoni
- Air quality modeling - Luca Lanzoni