Via Piero Maroncelli, 40 - Meldola (FC)
IRST HTN LAB con le diverse competenze e le facilities a sua disposizione si mette al servizio della realtà imprenditoriale per realizzare attività e progetti di innovazione, messa a punto e verifica sperimentale. IRST HTN LAB è suddiviso in settori specialistici con personale che ha acquistato esperienze in specifici argomenti di ricerca e dispone delle conoscenze per poter sviluppare nuovi progetti in questi specifici ambiti. In particolare, le aree in cui si divide attualmente il laboratorio sono:
- Nanobiomics and Liquid Niche: forme farmaceutiche nanometriche innovative per la terapia del tumore
- Gerobiomics and Esposomics: piattaforme bio-tecnologiche avanzate, competenze epidemiologiche, metodologiche e nutrizionali
- Radiobiomics and Drug Discovery: Identificazione e studio di terapie oncologiche innovative
- Osteo-oncologia: implementazione di piattaforme tridimensionali (Scaffold) abili nel mimare le caratteristiche del microambiente tumorale
- Immunologia e Ematologia: programmi di diagnostica molecolare avanzata e di ricerca in campo oncologico ed onco-ematologico
- Translation Oncology: Identificazione di marcatori circolatori e tissutali
AREA DIAGNOSTICA e NGS: Sequenziatore high throughput NovaSeq 6000.
IMMUNOTERAPIA E CENTRO RISORSE BIOLOGICHE: Sviluppo e produzione di CAR-T per malattie Onco-Ematologiche
FARMACIA: sistemi di produzione ad alte prestazioni, efficienti ed ecocompatibili

Aziende Farmaceutiche
Aziende Biotech
Aziende Produttrici di Dispositivi Medici
Aziende produttrici di macchine automatiche
Aziende produttrici di ambienti a rischio biologico controllato
- Design, production and validation of molecular biosensors - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design, production and validation of chemo- and opto- electronic biosensors for nucleic acids detection - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design and production of transfelable nano-structures and nano-metric biosensors - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design, production and validation of bio-funcionalized surfaces for biosensing application - Maria Teresa Montella
- "Transient and stable" cellular bio-sensors design, construction and validation - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design, production and validation of molecular biosensors (based on bistable plasmid) for RNA and peptides fluorescence detection - Maria Teresa Montella
- Recombinant vectors design and realization for cellular biosensors production - Maria Teresa Montella
- Nanoparticles and surfaces microscopy characterization and bio-chemical derivatization - Maria Teresa Montella
- Plasmid production - Maria Teresa Montella
- Molecular screening based on bio-sensors - Maria Teresa Montella
- Microscopy and nano -scopy, nanomechanics characterization in vitro with AFM technology - Maria Teresa Montella
- 2D, 3D and 4D imaging and quantification - Maria Teresa Montella
- Cell based high content imaging and screening - Maria Teresa Montella
Drug delivery
- In vitro drug release of nanoparticles and complex scaffolds - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro evaluation of the cell response to drug delivery systems - Maria Teresa Montella
Drug discovery
- Pharmacokinetics of new compounds - Maria Teresa Montella
- Drug study on human endothelial cells - Maria Teresa Montella
- Drug study on cells of the human nervous system - Maria Teresa Montella
- Drug study on human and animal fibroblasts - Maria Teresa Montella
- Physico-chemical characterisation of new compounds - Maria Teresa Montella
- Production and characterisation of therapeutical antibodies - Maria Teresa Montella
- Study on drug resitance/drug susceptibility on cell models and circulating tumor cell - Maria Teresa Montella
- Biocomputing - Maria Teresa Montella
- Digital data collection, management, processing for clinical trials - Maria Teresa Montella
- Preprocessing and sample storage (biobanking) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Meta-analysis - Maria Teresa Montella
- Sample processing - Maria Teresa Montella
- Quality assessment - Maria Teresa Montella
- Data processing - Maria Teresa Montella
- Transcriptomics - Maria Teresa Montella
- Prediction of effect of sequence variants on mRNA splicing - Maria Teresa Montella
- Proteomics - Maria Teresa Montella
- Molecular Cytogenetics (CGH, CMA) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Integrative analisi of gene expression data and data from meta-analysis - Maria Teresa Montella
- Integrative analysis of Copy Number Variation data and Gene Exprtession - Maria Teresa Montella
- Farmacogenomics - Maria Teresa Montella
- Integrative analysis of Gene expression and clinical data - Maria Teresa Montella
- Gene Network reconstruction - Maria Teresa Montella
- Identification and validation of biomarkers - Maria Teresa Montella
- Next generation sequencing (NGS) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Automation of bioinformatic pipelines - Maria Teresa Montella
Personal Health System
- Power management - Maria Teresa Montella
- Data analysis and storage, data mining - Maria Teresa Montella
Preclinical studies
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis - Maria Teresa Montella
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis (high-content) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis (ISO 9001 and GLP) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Purification and characterization of human primary cells and storage of human biological samples - Maria Teresa Montella
- Quantitative cell morphology test - Maria Teresa Montella
- Quantitative cell morphology test (high-content) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Quantitative cell morphology test (ISO 9001, GLP) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Dynamic imaging - Maria Teresa Montella
- Dynamic imaging (high-content, ISO 9001, GLP) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Index of oxidative stress in vitro - Maria Teresa Montella
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations - Maria Teresa Montella
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations (quantitative computed) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations (ISO 9001, GLP) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design and development of scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design and development of scaffolds for regeneration of hard tissues and ligaments - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design of protocols for pre-clinical evaluation (in vitro and in vivo) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design of protocols for clinical evaluation - Maria Teresa Montella
- Design and development of nanofibrous scaffolds mimicking the extracellular matrix - Maria Teresa Montella
- Scaffold functionalization with proteins, drugs and cells - Maria Teresa Montella
- Clinical trials for scaffold validation - Maria Teresa Montella
- Chemico-physical-morphological-ultrastructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of the scaffolds - Maria Teresa Montella
- Assessment of the chemical stability and maintenance of the physico-mechanical properties of the scaffolds - Maria Teresa Montella
- Biologic evaluation of scaffoldswith 3D cultures in dynamic regime in bioreactor - Maria Teresa Montella
Advanced Therapies
- Advanced Therapy Design (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Advanced Therapy Design (epithelial cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Advanced Therapy Design (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Advanced Therapy Design (nervous cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Isolation, target carachterisation (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Scaffold or substrate identification (cardiac cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Scaffold or substrate identification (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Scaffold or substrate identification (nervous cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Isolation, target carachterisation (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Isolation, target carachterisation (nervous cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- Extensive cellular manipulation - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (cardiac cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (epithelial cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (nervous cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP-compliant process development (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP-compliant process development (epithelial cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP-compliant process development (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP process and product validation (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP process and product validation (epithelial cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP process and product validation (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP manufacturing (fat cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP manufacturing (epithelial cells) - Maria Teresa Montella
- GMP manufacturing (skeletal muscle cells) - Maria Teresa Montella