TECNOPOLO DI FERRARA, via Saragat 13 - Ferrara (FE)
TekneHub è uno dei laboratori di ricerca industriale del Tecnopolo di Ferrara con specializzazione negli ambiti dell’intervento sul patrimonio costruito esistente, del restauro, del rilievo avanzato e della diagnostica integrati, della digitalizzazione della filiera, della tecnologia dei materiali ceramici e metallici, della diagnostica dell’opera d’arte, dei sistemi integrati edificio-impianto ad alta efficienza, utilizzo sostenibili delle risorse ambientali e idrogeologiche, della sanificazione degli ambienti ad alta sterilità, del design del prodotto industriale e dello sviluppo di prototipi secondo un approccio User Centred Design, Inclusive Design, Human-Machine Interface e User Experience.
Punto di forza del laboratorio è la continua collaborazione tra i ricercatori delle diverse aree (architettura, ingegneria, economia, studi umanistici, fisica e scienze della terra), gli altri laboratori e soggetti della Rete Alta Tecnologia dell’Emilia-Romagna, PMI e grandi imprese, enti e istituzioni pubbliche e Rete Politecnica per l’alta formazione.
Restauro, recupero e valorizzazione del patrimonio costruito esistente
Rilievo e diagnostica integrata per l’architettura e l’opera d’arte
Digitalizzazione della filiera edilizia (BIM)
Produzione e gestione del patrimonio edilizio: sostenibilità, sicurezza ed efficienza energetica
Design del prodotto industriale
Innovazione sui materiali da costruzione, ceramici, vetri e nanotecnologie
Sicurezze delle costruzioni e delle infrastrutture civili
Valorizzazione del patrimonio paesaggistico ed agronomico
Marketing, Design, allestimento e comunicazione
Archeologia e paleontologia
Diagnostica, ambiente e geologia
Ambiente e biodiversità
Diagnostica dei metalli
Comfort, sicurezza e igiene alimentare
Formazione continua sul lavoro e aggiornamento delle competenze
Il Laboratorio TekneHub sviluppa soluzioni, servizi e prodotti con riferimento ai seguenti settori:
- metodologie e tecnologie avanzate per il restauro e il recupero del patrimonio costruito esistente;
- delle metodologie e tecnologie integrate per la digitalizzazione della filiera edilizia e dell’applicazione e dello sviluppo di tecnologie abilitanti;
- delle energie rinnovabili;
- della caratterizzazione termofisica dell'involucro edilizio;
- della sicurezza delle costruzioni e delle infrastrutture civili;
- dell’economia applicata:
- del design del prodotto industriale (User Centered Design);
- della sanificazione degli ambienti ad alta sterilità;
- diagnostica dei materiali;
- ambiente e geologia anche connesse all’utilizzo sostenibile delle risorse;
- delle tecnologie per il rilievo e la diagnostica integrata per l’architettura, il patrimonio costruito esistente e l'opera d'arte, anche moderna e contemporanea.
Materials and components for high performance building
- Catalogue of high-performance PLANT SYSTEMS
- Catalogue of the different types of FIXTURES
- Methods for the INERT MATERIALS RECOVERY, deriving from building demolition and construction, for the production of bricks and cement - Carmela Vaccaro
- Assessment of the absence of toxic and harmful substances in building materials (asbestos, radioactive minerals, radon, ...)
(Revamp) Regeneration of buildings
- Guidelines, procedures and operating instructions for management of restoration works
- URBAN PLANNING INSTRUMENTS integration, existing buildings sustainability analysis and critical points detection
- Cost-Benefit analysis for building RETROFITTING
- INVENTORY of historical execution techniques and existing building maintenance
- Photographic, radiographic and spectroscopic techniques and imaging.
- Thermographic detection and infrared diagnosis (IR), and non-destructive point analysis
- Structural and seismic vulnerability analysis
- Definition of action plans and procedures for energetic and sustainable requalification of existing buildings
- Development of adjustment programmes for spaces, according to building standards
- Monitoring and cleaning-up projects of radon pollution
- Analysis, energy audit and certification of buildings
- Assistance to design and management of maintenance activities for existing buildings (Monitoring Plan, Security)
- Focused and seasonal detection campaigns, with result's statistical analysis of constructions
- Assessment of priorities and process of design strategies to find a solution for buildings damage
- Development of economic framework, in accordance with the different assumptions of buildings use, and writing of project executive reports.
- Construction management on site for recovery and processing of SPECIAL PROCUREMENT SPECIFICATION, with expenditure items
Restoration of cultural heritage
- Guidelines, procedures and manuals for the management of historic buildings
- Guidelines for historic building preservation
- Tools and methods for historic building documentation and cataloguing
- Preservation protocols for masonry cultural heritage
- Historic construction materials and techniques for building heritage
- Modeling, evaluating and managing strategies of decay in cultural heritage
- Cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiecy in historic buildings
- Environmental analysis related to cultural heritage
- Architectural, stratigraphic and 3D survey for cultural heritage and contemporary art
- Digital architectural and landscape survey
- Materials, methods and tecnologies for innovation in historic buildings preservation
- Quantity surveyor services
- Construction documentation services
- Building tender services
- Construction site monitoring
- Construction supervision and safety management
- Informational Thesaurus
- Structural assessment, seismic vulnerability analysis and reinforcement strategies for historic building
- Materials analysis, including glass, ceramics, mosaic and innovative materials, for contemporary art
- Monitoring and determination of operating parameters of work of art
- Studies, treatments and protection of Lead-Free Bronze-Base Alloys
- Techniques for water repellent plaster for damp proof
Monitoring and enhancement of archaeological and paleontological risk areas
- Regulatory analysis Decreto 26 maggio 2009, n 86 (GU n. 160 del 13-7-2009)
- Regulatory analysis Decreto 15 maggio 2009, n 95 (GU n. 170 del 24-7-2009)
- Regulatory analysis Decreto 24 settembre 2008, n 182 (GU n. 270 del 18-11-2008)
- Regulatory analysis Decreto 29 gennaio 2008 (GU n. 88 del 14-4-2008)
- Regulatory analysis Decreto legislativo 29 ottobre 1999, n. 490 (S. O. n. 229/L G.U.R.I. 27 dicembre 1999 n. 302)
- Geological and geomorphological analysis and drafting archeological chart
- Data mining and data acquisition, including GIS-based information system
- Integrated geological-geophysical studies, tomography, electrical resistivity and ground penetrating radar
- Porosity studies of archaeological materials - Carmela Vaccaro
- Raw materials characterization and archaeobotanical analysis - Carmela Vaccaro
- Taphonomic studies: sedimentological and micromorphological analyses
- Development of feasibility, technical plans and cost analysis
- Stratigraphic excavation
- Document automation, including GIS-based information system
- Cataloguing and ICCD inventory
- Micro-Stratigraphic Analysis
- Physical properties materials testing and measurement for the porpouse of their preservation
- Characterization of biological attack on specimens - Università di Ferrara
- Inclusive cultural heritage: designing didactic route related to archeological and paleontological sites
- 3D modeling of human remains
- Investigation, characterization and cataloging of anthropological, paleontological and archeological materials
- Archaeometric investigation of anthropological, archaeological and paleontological remains
- Paleoenvironmental reconstructions of anthropological, paleontological and archeological materials
Museum design and exhibition design
- Analysis of standards
- Regulatory analysis in the field of museography and exibition design
- Facilities management consultancy for museums
- Digital libraries for facility management at cultural institutions
- Communication databases for exhibition design
- Cataloguing services of works of art
- Analysis and enhancement of production technologies of metals, ceramics, glasses, decorative surfaces
- Risk assessment of art shipping - Carmela Vaccaro
- Evaluation of continuous exposure monitoring tools e tecniques
- Integrated system for building survey
- 3D modeling for museums exhibition design
- Impact assessment of materials and technology solutions for museums exhibition
- Operations impact assessment in museums exhibition
- Impact testing of Security Systems, accessibility, sound systems and display solutions
- Editorial design project
- Communication and educational design project
- Image capturing integrated technologies to engage visitor
- Multimedia integrated technologies to improve visitor experience
- Rapid prototyping for museum project, including equipments
- Cataloguing of non-traditional cultural heritage
- Integrated technology for the survey of exhibition area
- Feasibility studies and planning of work for the project of temporary and permanent collections
- Thematic paths as strategies for widespread museums
- Development of museums signage and communications tools for inclusive cultural heritage
Diagnostics and conservation (diagnosis, monitoring, fruition) of cultural heritage
- Identification of the constituent materials of the buildings
- Spectroscopic, photographic, radiographic and diagnostic techniques for images for MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION in cultural heritage conservation
- Chemical, metallurgical and microstructural analysis of steels, copper alloys and other metallic ALLOYS for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Gian Luca Garagnani
- Analysis of the degradation and corrosion phenomenon of metallic materials for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage
- Non invasive analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Gian Luca Garagnani
- Granulometric, mineralogical and petrochemical analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Carmela Vaccaro
- Mineralogical and petrographic analysis in laboratory - Carmela Vaccaro
- Classification and certification of ornamental rocks and painting pigments - Carmela Vaccaro
- Chemical analysis of soluble salts and identification of degradation product for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Carmela Vaccaro
- IN SITU chemical analysis of soluble salts with portable spectrophotometer for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Carmela Vaccaro
- Chemical Analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements for ARTEFACTS CHARACTERIZATION, and of materials for treatment and restoration - Carmela Vaccaro
- Optical and electronic microscopy of buildings and cultural heritage - Gian Luca Garagnani
- Analysis of corosion process for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage
- Ageing test for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage
- Ageing tests for degradation products and verification of structural, petrophysical and textural changes - Gian Luca Garagnani
- MICROANALYSIS with the portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer
- Analysis of the porosity and of the effects of consolidation - Carmela Vaccaro
- Conservation status diagnostics and cataloging of artefacts and murals - Carmela Vaccaro
- Study of innovative metallic materials (stainless steels, shape-memory alloys, light alloys) with specific mechanical properties and resistance - Gian Luca Garagnani
- Study of SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY (Ni-Ti) and their application in the restoration and consolidation of historical structures and monuments. - Gian Luca Garagnani
- Development of super elastic ALLOYS for protection against earthquakes (Nitinol) - Gian Luca Garagnani
Civil and building Infrastructure (including renewable water sources and geothermal )
- Study of innovative metallic materials for the heat pumps and use of geothermal energy - Gian Luca Garagnani
Enhancement of cultural heritage and exhibition forms
- DATABASE for touristic valorization and fruition
- Evaluation of MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS for organization and valorisation of heritage
- Analysis of MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK for the protection and valorisation of cultural heritage
- PARTNERSHIP building and networking for management and valorisation of cultural heritage
- MAPPING of the business SUBJECTS in the cultural sector
- Analysis of OPERATIONS, STRATEGIES AND EVALUATIONS OF INVESTMENT PLANNING for interventions on cultural heritage
- Development of cultural heritage management documents (MANAGEMENT PLAN)
- ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT tools for valorisation (business plan, financial planning, budget, accounting systems, ..)
- Internal ECONOMIC MONITORING systems for valorisation and performance of the interventions
- Systems for internal and external COMMUNICATION for territorial liaison
- Documents for external REPORTING
- Elements and tools for TERRITORIAL MARKETING
- PUBLIC GOVERNANCE tools (management of the reports at the territory )
- Technical evaluation of CONTINUOUS MONITORING
- INTEGRATED DIGITAL PROCEDURES for valorisation / conservation of cultural heritage
- Cataloguing, evaluation and diagnosis of the conservation state of the buildings and artefacts
- Programming of the sensitive variables monitoring
- TRAINING of the protection authorities for the conservation, management and valorisation of cultural heritage
- Research for potential sponsors
- Organization of educational workshops for technology transfer and continuous training
- Organization of professionals training in construction sector and cultural heritage preservation sector
Internet of things and CyberPhysical Systems
Computer Vision and Visual Computing
Multimedia and human-computer interaction
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Waste collection and transfer: logistics, mapping, collection systems optimization, ICT integration - Carmela Vaccaro
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Carmela Vaccaro
- Technologies for critical raw materials substitution - Carmela Vaccaro
- Urban mining - Carmela Vaccaro
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
Tools and methods for sustainability
Ecosystem services
- Soil remediation - Carmela Vaccaro