Via Gioacchino Rossini 2 - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
Via del Lavoro 1 - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN)
Strada Erbosa Uno 70-84, (FC) - Gatteo (FC)
Fondato nel 1959, Istituto Giordano è un Ente Tecnico all'avanguardia nel testing di prodotto, nella ricerca e nella certificazione; grazie ai suoi 15 laboratori di prova, alle apparecchiature di cui dispone e alla competenza del proprio personale, è in grado di supportare le aziende nello svolgimento di attività di ricerca e sviluppo, in particolare nel settore dei prodotti da costruzione.
Riportiamo di seguito alcune delle attività che possono essere realizzate per lo sviluppo/ottimizzazione di nuovi prodotti:
- prove di durabilità, mediante opportuni processi di invecchiamento accelerato (es. cicli termici con o senza controllo dell'umidità, irraggiamento solare e UV, nebbia salina, vibrazioni, tenuta all'acqua e alle polveri, ecc.);
- prove di resistenza e di reazione al fuoco;
- prove di isolamento e di assorbimento acustico;
- determinazione della conduttività termica di materiali isolanti;
- verifica del rilascio di sostanze pericolose (es. COV: Composti Organici Volatili) e abbatti-mento degli inquinanti;
- prove di sicurezza elettrica e di compatibilità elettromagnetica;
- misura del rendimento termico di corpi scaldanti, stufe e caminetti a legna/pellet;
- progettazione e costruzione di prototipi in scala di laboratorio;
- caratterizzazione di prodotti di rivestimento (es. pitture, vernici, smalti, incapsulanti per l'amianto, intonaci, ...);
- controlli non distruttivi sia in campo industriale che civile.

Aziende del settore dei materiali e prodotti da costruzione, come ad esempio: materiali isolanti termo-acustici, pitture, materiali compositi o fibrorinforzati, materiali ignifughi e di contenimento del fuoco etc...
Electronics devices and Component
- Mixed signal electronic systems - Francesco Mistrulli
- Testing and functional characterization of devices and systems - GIUSEPPE ARCARO
- Measurement instruments and systems - GIUSEPPE ARCARO
Design and development of new products / processes
- Testing and prototyping: Structural analysis (strain gauge, fatigue) - Francesco Dall'Acqua
- Testing and prototyping: Thermal analysis, fluid dynamics and thermo- fluid dynamics (test benches) - Francesco Dall'Acqua
- Testing and measuring: dimensional and geometric control; Reverse Engineering - Paolo Orioli
- Testing and measuring: certificate of conformity to technical regulations - Paolo Orioli
Manufactur processes
- Melting processes (in sand, in shell, die casting, investment casting, etc.) - Paolo Orioli
- Massive deformation processes (forging, pressing, rolling mill, extrusion, drawing, etc.) - Paolo Orioli
- Sheet metal forming processes (stamping, cutting, bending, hydroforming, etc.) - Paolo Orioli
- Conventional welding processes (arc, TIG, MIG / MAG, resistance, etc.) - Thomas Mariani
- Processes of production / machining of products of composite materials - Francesca Panarello
- Heat treatments of conventional and not conventional metal alloys - Paolo Orioli
Thermo-fluid dynamics
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Vibration analysis - Andrea Cucchi
- Thermography - Corrado Colagiacomo
- Glass and glass-ceramic materials - Andrea Bruschi
- Corrosion: protection and inhibition - Francesco Mistrulli
- Metals: ferrous alloys (steel, cast iron) - Paolo Orioli
- Metals: non-ferrous alloys (aluminum, copper, nickel, titanium, magnesium, etc.) - Paolo Orioli
- Metal matrix composites and nanocomposites - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Thermoplastic polymeric materials - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Thermosetting polymer materials - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Polymeric nanofibers - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Ceramic matrix composites and nanocomposites - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Materials of natural origin and derived (wood, paper, cellulose, fibers, etc.) - Alessandro Trevisani
Noise, vibrations, dynamics, NVH
- Reducing noise and vibration (NVH) in industrial products and processes by simulation and / or test - Andrea Cucchi
- Acoustic analyses in anechoic and semi-anechoic chamber according to standards - Andrea Cucchi
- Use of multi-layer sound-proofing materials: acoustic optimization through modeling and / or tests - Andrea Cucchi
- Vibration and fatigue life tests on electrodynamic shaker systems - Gianluca Vitullo
- Vibro-acoustic experimental characterization of product - Andrea Cucchi
- Active control of noise and vibration - Andrea Cucchi
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Product certification (EMAS) and environmental certifications (EMAS, ISO) - Serena Barberini
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Serena Barberini
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) - Serena Barberini
- Life Cycle Management (LCM)/Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) - Serena Barberini
Energy efficiency
- Power, performance and emission tests on energy plants - Corrado Colagiacomo
Ecosystem services
- Soil remediation - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - Andrea Cucchi
Technologies for the management of water resources
Materials and components for high performance building
- Analysis of the Standards concerning the methods of measurement of MATERIALS and COMPONENTS properties - Andrea Bruschi
- Catalogue of the different types of FIXTURES - Andrea Bruschi
- Determination of the characteristics, properties and parameters of BUILDING MATERIALS - Andrea Bruschi
- Measurement, testing, certification campaign, according to Standards or customer specification on MATERIALS and COMPONENTS - Francesco Dall'Acqua
- Study and mechanical characterization of INNOVATIVE FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE, self-compacting and spray applied (shrinkage and creep tests) - Michele Ianniello
- Study of the mechanical behavior of a.c.c.-, brick- and wood-STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS a.c. reinforced with composite materials - Michele Ianniello
- Identification of SAMPLE BUILDINGS for the carrying out of experimental operations (application of new materials / components) - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Assessment of the absence of toxic and harmful substances in building materials (asbestos, radioactive minerals, radon, ...) - Paolo Orioli
- Modeling and evaluation of mechanical properties, durability, resistance to environmental factors, energy efficiency and insulation properties of MATERIALS - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- LCA analysis on materials and components for the assessment of the environmental sustainability, functional to product development - COMPONENTS - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Study of INNOVATIVE COMPOSITE MATERIALS and environmental sustainability analysis of the REINFORCING SYSTEM - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Identification of technological EVOLUTION TRENDS of building materials and components (Roadmap of development trends) - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Methods for the INERT MATERIALS RECOVERY, deriving from building demolition and construction, for the production of bricks and cement - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
New high structural performance building
- Norms on Methodologies for Measuring Buildings Energy Efficiency - Andrea Bruschi
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Andrea Cucchi
- Pre-built structures - Gianluca Ferraiolo
- Realization of experimental tests on both prefab reinforced concrete and bearing walls construction systems - Michele Ianniello
- Passiv houses - Corrado Colagiacomo
- Environmental assessement model of building sustainability - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Green building - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
Materials and components for renewable solar sources
- Determination of resistance characteristics of GLASS - Andrea Bruschi
- Regulations on methods for measuring the properties of solar systems - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- MATERIALS DATABASE and performance for solar and photovoltaic installations - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Preparation of TEST SYSTEMS for photovoltaic and thermal panels systems - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- COMPARATIVE TESTS in natural conditions (in the field) and accelerated lifetime (in the laboratory) - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Modeling and EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE to environmental factors (including hail) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Andrea Bruschi
- Determination of thermophysical and insulation PARAMETERS - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Measurement campaign and CERTIFICATION on basic materials and assemblies, standards or on customer specification - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
(Revamp) Regeneration of buildings
- Noise performance analysis of construction elements and structural joints to realistic fire, in laboratory or on field - Andrea Cucchi
- Thermographic detection and infrared diagnosis (IR), and non-destructive point analysis - Michele Ianniello
- Structural and seismic vulnerability analysis - Davide Panzavolta
- QUICK seismic vulnerability analysis on concrete or masonry based buildings - Davide Panzavolta
- Methods for optimize different non - destructive tests for existing buildings. - Davide Panzavolta
- Photographic, radiographic and spectroscopic techniques and imaging. - Michele Ianniello
- Measurement campaigns and certification, according to standards or customer request (in laboratory) on heating and cooling systems - SILVIA NERI
Civil and building Infrastructure (including renewable water sources and geothermal )
Ceramics materials traditional, advanced, functionalized and / or with low environmental impact
- PRODUCTS (tiles,bricks, sanitaryware, technical ceramics, advanced ceramics): determination of characteristics, properties and quality control - Gianluca Ferraiolo
- Requirementa and METHODOLOGIES of adhesives and sealing agents for ceramic tiles (adhesives data base) - Gianluca Ferraiolo
- RAW MATERIALS: chracterization, properties and quality control - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- STUDIES and RESEARCH programm on ceramic materials - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
Diagnostics and conservation (diagnosis, monitoring, fruition) of cultural heritage
- Granulometric, mineralogical and petrochemical analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Gianluca Ferraiolo
- Mineralogical and petrographic analysis in laboratory - Gianluca Ferraiolo
- Chemical analysis of soluble salts and identification of degradation product for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Ageing test for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Alessandro Trevisani
- Chemical, metallurgical and microstructural analysis of steels, copper alloys and other metallic ALLOYS for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Paolo Orioli
- Analysis of the degradation and corrosion phenomenon of metallic materials for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Paolo Orioli
- Chemical Analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements for ARTEFACTS CHARACTERIZATION, and of materials for treatment and restoration - Paolo Orioli
- Analysis of corosion process for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Paolo Orioli
- Ageing tests for degradation products and verification of structural, petrophysical and textural changes - Paolo Orioli
- Study of innovative metallic materials (stainless steels, shape-memory alloys, light alloys) with specific mechanical properties and resistance - Paolo Orioli
- Study of SHAPE-MEMORY ALLOY (Ni-Ti) and their application in the restoration and consolidation of historical structures and monuments. - Paolo Orioli
- Non invasive analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Michele Ianniello
- Study of innovative non-destructive investigation and semi-destructive techniques for CHARACTERIZATION OF MECHANICAL STRUCTURES - Michele Ianniello
- Development of techniques and procedures for ADVANCED DIAGNOSTICS, including images, with non-destructive and semi-destructive methods - Michele Ianniello
Restoration of cultural heritage
- Regulatory analysis for both antiseismic retrofit and energy efficiency studies in historic buldings - Davide Panzavolta
- Non-invasive structural tests for historic buildings - Davide Panzavolta
- Studies, treatments and protection of Lead-Free Bronze-Base Alloys - Paolo Orioli
- Structural assessment, seismic vulnerability analysis and reinforcement strategies for historic building - Davide Panzavolta
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
- Finite element simulation (FEM) - Corrado Colagiacomo
Machinery and plants
- Acoustics and vibration measurements - Andrea Cucchi
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Characterization techniques and pretreatments - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Waste management and valorization technologies - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
- Technologies for critical raw materials substitution - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Solar thermic and concentrators - GIOMBATTISTA TRAINA