A collection of case histories of successful collaborations between High Technology Network Laboratories and businesses. These are tangible and customisable examples of the application of new technologies, products, or services that show how industrial research can meet the needs of innovation.

Results: 64

Cryogenic machining for hard to machine aerospace alloys

Improvement of productivity for machining aeronautical materials

Titanium alloys and Ni-based super-alloys are notoriously difficult to machine materials mainly because of their low thermal conductivity. This causes high cutting temperatures with a consequent triggering of a series of problems related to thermal...

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SMR – Sustainable Metal Replacement. High performance polymers for the CO2 emissions reduction

Metal-Plastic reengineering for environmental sustainability.

The growing awareness of environmental emergencies has led companies to take urgent measures with regard to Product and Process Innovation. In this context arise GHEPI's research and analysis activities, through the “Sustainable Metal Replacement”...

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Trajectory Optimization for Electric Actuators: Power Consumption Reduction and Vibration Cancelling

Optimal trajectories for mechatronic systems with high dynamics

In the field of automatic machines and Robots with high dynamics the need for velocities higher and higher collides with the requirements of precision and reliability. This is mainly caused by the motion control systems that are not able to track...

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Benchmarking of commercial platforms for automation

Not to be "dazzled" by marketing of suppliers

The design of control systems can be based on commercial off-the-shelf devices, easily scalable and interoperable. The rapid growth of the functionalities, which characterize modern control systems, complicates the selection of the proper...

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