TECNOPOLO DI BOLOGNA - OZZANO, Via Tolara di Sopra 41/E - Ozzano (BO)
Viale del Risorgimento 2 - Bologna (BO)
Il CIRI Scienze della Vita e Tecnologie per la Salute (CIRI-SDV) riunisce conoscenze e competenze biomediche e tecnologiche per la diagnosi e la cura delle malattie, per l’assistenza alla persona e il miglioramento della qualità della vita, che coprono l’intera filiera della ricerca e dello sviluppo, dal banco di laboratorio al letto e alla casa del paziente. Inoltre gestisce e propone ricerca precompetitiva, ricerca applicata, trasferimento tecnologico e sviluppo industriale, dalla progettazione degli studi alla realizzazione dei prototipi. Si caratterizza per l’elevata flessibilità, che garantisce la pronta ed efficace risposta a richieste anche diversificate. L'obiettivo principale del CIRI Scienze della Vita è il trasferimento tecnologico verso le aziende. Sviluppiamo prodotti e tecnologie di interesse per aziende dei settori biomedicale, biotecnologico, farmaceutico, ICT. Forniamo supporto e assistenza per progetti di ricerca di media e lunga durata, a partire dalla creazione del know-how fino alla realizzazione di prototipi industriali. Gli ambiti principali in cui il CIRI SDV opera sono: Ricerca preclinica e diagnostica Studi clinici Sviluppo di dispositivi e biomateriali Supporto alla presentazione e realizzazione di progetti di ricerca industriale

Dispositivi Biomedicali
Medicina Traslazionale
Diagnostica, Nanomedicina, e Genomica
Tecnologie per la Promozione della Salute e Prevenzione
AcZon, Aferetica, Gambro-Dasco, Bellco, CE-continuing Education, Cell Dynamics, Cevolani, Democenter, Datariver, Dainese (D-AIRLAB), Exel, Evonik, Ergotek, IMA-Gima, Chiesi, Cyanagen, Doxee, Khymeia, Fresenius Medical Care, Gpem, Medacta International, Medtronic, mHealth Technologies, Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, NoemaLife We Care, Silicon biosystems, STMicroelectronics, SparkBio, Tecres, TransMed Research.
Design and development of new products / processes
- Integrated design and programming of robotic systems and automatic machines (flexible, modular, configurable, adaptive systems) - Luca Cristofolini
- Rapid prototyping & Additive manufacturing - Luca Cristofolini
- Testing and prototyping: Structural analysis (strain gauge, fatigue) - Luca Cristofolini
- Testing and measuring: certificate of conformity to technical regulations - Luca Cristofolini
Manufactur processes
- Processes of production / machining of products in polymer materials - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Processes of production / machining of products of composite materials - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Additive manufacturing processes (3D printing, SLA rapid prototyping, etc.) - Luca Cristofolini
- Thermoplastic polymeric materials - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Thermosetting polymer materials - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Elastomers - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Polymeric nanofibers - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Porous materials (foams, sponges, etc) - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Shape memory alloys - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Materials with self-diagnostic and self-healing properties - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Micro-nano materials functionalized - Maria Letizia Focarete
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
- Continuous-time and discrete-time mathematical modeling of systems and processes - Stefano Severi
- Acquisition and pre-processing of signals for model identification - Stefano Severi
- Finite element simulation (FEM) - Luca Cristofolini
Automation: actuators and robotics
- Rotary and linear electromechanical actuators - Luca Cristofolini
- Hydraulic actuators and motors - Luca Cristofolini
- Kinematic chains (belts, cams, reduction gears, crank thrusts, etc) - Luca Cristofolini
- Trajectory planning - Monica Forni
- Control architectures for actuators - Monica Forni
- Hardware design - Monica Forni
- Designe of specific software application (acquisition, processing, control, supervision, ...) - Monica Forni
- Control algorithms and cognitive techniques - Monica Forni
- Robot task design in workcells - Monica Forni
- Human-robot interactive collaboration in intrinsically safe work cells - Monica Forni
- Grasping devices and robot manipulators - Monica Forni
- Design, production and validation of chemo- and opto- electronic biosensors for nucleic acids detection - Giampaolo Zuccheri
- Design and production of transfelable nano-structures and nano-metric biosensors - Giampaolo Zuccheri
- Design, production and validation of bio-funcionalized surfaces for biosensing application - Giampaolo Zuccheri
- "Transient and stable" cellular bio-sensors design, construction and validation - Laura Calzà
- Design, production and validation of molecular biosensors (based on bistable plasmid) for RNA and peptides fluorescence detection - Emanuele D. Giordano
- Nanoparticles and surfaces microscopy characterization and bio-chemical derivatization - Laura Calzà
- Nanoparticles and surfaces microscopy characterization and bio-chemical derivatization - Giampaolo Zuccheri
- Microscopy and nano -scopy, nanomechanics characterization in vitro with AFM technology - Giampaolo Zuccheri
- 2D, 3D and 4D imaging and quantification - Laura Calzà
- Cell based high content imaging and screening - Laura Calzà
Devices and prostheses
- Numerical design of devices - Luca Cristofolini
- In vivo functional characterization of the device - Laura Calzà
- Analysis by means of molecular biology as well as biochemical, immunoenzymatic, histologic, immunohistochemical, biomechanical, radiographic - Luciana Giardino
- Data analysis on 2D,3D and 4D histomorphometric data - Luciana Giardino
Drug discovery
- Drug study on human endothelial cells - Monica Forni
- Drug study on human and animal perycites - Monica Forni
- Drug study on cells of the human nervous system - Luciana Giardino
- Drug study on animal embrional stem cells cells - Luciana Giardino
- Drug study on human and animal fibroblasts - Luciana Giardino
- TC, RM, ECO data processing - Monica Forni
- Clinical indicator mining from analysis of RX, TC, MR and 2D 3D eco images - Monica Forni
- Data processing - Laura Calzà
- Proteomics - Laura Calzà
- Identification and validation of biomarkers - Luciana Giardino
- Sample processing - Monica Forni
- Transcriptomics - Monica Forni
Personal Health System
- Analysis of (clinical) functional requirements - Lorenzo Chiari
- Selection and interfacing of sensors and actuators - Lorenzo Chiari
- Selection of the communication layer a/o mobile platform - Monica Forni
- Digital platforms (microcontrollers, DSP, FPGA) - Monica Forni
- Software design for off-line and real-time signal processing - Lorenzo Chiari
- Software design for actuators control - Lorenzo Chiari
- Algorithms for events prediction and classification - Lorenzo Chiari
- HW/SW design for resources optimization - Lorenzo Chiari
- Power management - Monica Forni
- Selection and porting of embedded OS - Lorenzo Chiari
- Selection, porting, optimization of protocol stacks, middleware and libraries - Lorenzo Chiari
- Users interface design - Lorenzo Chiari
- Communication protocol - Lorenzo Chiari
- System level integration - Lorenzo Chiari
- Musculoskeletal modelling - Rita Stagni
- Neurocognitive modelling - Lorenzo Chiari
- Functional validation of prototypes - Lorenzo Chiari
- Design of experiments and protocols - Lorenzo Chiari
- Data analysis and storage, data mining - Lorenzo Chiari
- Ergonomics, neuroergonomics - Lorenzo Chiari
- Systems integration: interoperability and synchronization - Lorenzo Chiari
- Clinical assessment - Lorenzo Chiari
Preclinical studies
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis - Laura Calzà
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis (high-content) - Laura Calzà
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis (ISO 9001 and GLP) - Monica Forni
- Quantitative cell morphology test - Laura Calzà
- Quantitative cell morphology test (high-content) - Laura Calzà
- Quantitative cell morphology test (ISO 9001, GLP) - Monica Forni
- Dynamic imaging - Laura Calzà
- Dynamic imaging (high-content, ISO 9001, GLP) - Laura Calzà
- Behavior animal testing for learning and memory and/or locomotion - Laura Calzà
- Behavior animal testing for learning and memory and/or locomotion with video tracking - Laura Calzà
- Behavior animal testing for learning and memory and/or locomotion (ISO 9001, GLP) - Monica Forni
- behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move - Laura Calzà
- behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move with video tracking - Laura Calzà
- behavior animal tests for acute and chronic pain in animal free to move (ISO 9001, GLP) - Laura Calzà
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations - Laura Calzà
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations (quantitative computed) - Laura Calzà
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations (ISO 9001, GLP) - Monica Forni
- Purification and characterization of human primary cells and storage of human biological samples - Monica Forni
- Index of oxidative stress in vitro - Monica Forni
- Animal tests of gastrointestinal function - Monica Forni
- Design and development of scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration - Laura Calzà
- Design and development of nanofibrous scaffolds mimicking the extracellular matrix - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Deposition of thin films and coatings - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Development of sinterable polymeric particles - Emanuele D. Giordano
- Scaffold functionalization with proteins, drugs and cells - Laura Calzà
- Tribologic and mechanic characterization of thin films, coatings and biomaterials - Maria Letizia Focarete
- In vitro mechanical characterization of scaffolds - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Chemico-physical-morphological-ultrastructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of the scaffolds - Maria Letizia Focarete
- Assessment of the chemical stability and maintenance of the physico-mechanical properties of the scaffolds - Maria Letizia Focarete
Therapeutic and diagnostic biomedical equipment
- Clinical requirements analysis - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: selection and interconnection of sensors and actuators - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: electromechanical and regulation devices design - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: design of the storage and transmission systems - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: design of control and / or adaptation algorithms - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: interfaces and alarms design - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: geometric measurements on 3D and 4D images - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: analysis of the electrical safety - Elisa Magosso
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: ergonomics - Lorenzo Chiari
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: evaluation and optimization of therapeutic treatments through quantitative methods (Evidence-based Medicine) - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: hardware and sensors design, for analysis, storage and transmission - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: "selection of the conditioning" - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: software design for signals elaboration - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments:design of recognition and classification algorithms - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: design of communication protocols and integration between components and instrumentations - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: calibration and performance verification - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: field evaluation - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: design of experimental protocols and clinical trials - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: cross-validation, repeatability and reliability studies - Lorenzo Chiari
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: Segmentation of fluoroscopy data - Rita Stagni
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: 2D and 3D alignment of Radiological Data - Silvia Fantozzi
Advanced Therapies
- Advanced Therapy Design (nervous cells) - Laura Calzà
- Scaffold or substrate identification (nervous cells) - Laura Calzà
- Isolation, target carachterisation (nervous cells) - Laura Calzà
- Extensive cellular manipulation - Emanuele D. Giordano
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (cardiac cells) - Emanuele D. Giordano
- In vitro and in vivo pre-clinical validation (nervous cells) - Laura Calzà
Electronics devices and Component
- Digital Integrated circuits - Lorenzo Chiari
- Hardware System integration - Lorenzo Chiari
- Measurement instruments and systems - Lorenzo Chiari
- Sensors - Lorenzo Chiari
- MEMs components - Lorenzo Chiari
- Device reliability - Lorenzo Chiari
Embedded systems
- Sensor-based systems - Lorenzo Chiari
- Sensor networks and WSN - Lorenzo Chiari
Internet of things and CyberPhysical Systems
- Wearable Devices - Lorenzo Chiari
- IoT Middleware - Federico Chesani
- IoT Application - Federico Chesani
- Simulation of Physical systems - Lorenzo Chiari
Automation Control and Robotics
- Dynamic Modeling - Rita Stagni
- Human robot interaction - Silvia Fantozzi
- Haptic interfaces and force control - Emanuela Marcelli
Communication and Network systems
- Wireless and mobile networking - Lorenzo Chiari
- Ad hoc networks - Lorenzo Chiari
- Future internet - Lorenzo Chiari
- Adaptive QoS - Federico Chesani
High Performance Computing
- Service integration and coordination - Federico Chesani
Middleware, Mobile and Pervasive systems
- Technologies and Services for Smart City - Paola Mello
- Mobile Applications - Lorenzo Chiari
- Integration of social network services - Lorenzo Chiari
- Component-based systems (J2EE, .NET) - Lorenzo Chiari
- Ubiquitus and pervasive systems - Lorenzo Chiari
- Agent coordination and roles - Paola Mello
- Multimodal adaptive services - Lorenzo Chiari
- Location-based services - Lorenzo Chiari
Computer Vision and Visual Computing
- Wearable and human-centric visual devices - Silvia Fantozzi
- Image and video analysis - Silvia Fantozzi
Multimedia and human-computer interaction
- Brain-computer interfaces - Lorenzo Chiari
Software engineering
- Software Agent technologies and methodologies - Federico Chesani
- Open source software - Federico Chesani
- Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Oriented Programming - Paola Mello
- IT standardization and protocols - Lorenzo Chiari
Artificial Intelligence and optimization
- Systems modelling and simulation - Lorenzo Chiari
- Expert systems and logic programming - Paola Mello
- Machine learning - Paola Mello
- Cognitive networks - Lorenzo Chiari
- Linear and nonlinear optimization - Lorenzo Chiari
- System monitoring and fault detection - Federico Chesani
- Business Process Modeling and Management - Federico Chesani
Information and Semantic systems, Knowledge management
- Information access and data mining - Lorenzo Chiari
- Business intelligence - Federico Chesani
- Reasoning systems - Paola Mello
- Knowledge representation - Paola Mello
- Knowledge management - Federico Chesani