TECNOPOLO DI REGGIO EMILIA - Capannone 19 Area Ex Officine Reggiane - Piazzale Europa 1 - Reggio Emilia (RE)
Il Centro Interdipartimentale En&Tech è promosso dal Dipartimento di Scienze e Metodi dell'Ingegneria (DISMI) e dal Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Informatiche e Matematiche (FIM) dell'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
Il Centro fa parte della Rete dell'Alta Tecnologia - HTN della Regione Emilia-Romagna ed opera sulle Piattaforme Tecnologiche: Edilizia e Costruzioni, Energia, ICT. E' inoltre attivo in tutti i Clust-ER della Regione Emilia Romagna.
Nel Centro vengono sviluppate le seguenti tematiche di ricerca:
Tecniche e metodologie per la valutazione delle proprietà termo fisiche, chimico fisiche e strutturali dei materiali e dei componenti edilizi, per lo studio dei processi da stress ambientale, delle dispersioni energetiche e delle caratterizzazioni strutturali dei materiali, dei componenti edilizi e del complesso del costruito;
Piattaforme di home e building automation, sistemi per illuminazione domestica ad alta efficienza energetica;
Prototipi tecnico-sperimentali per la conversione efficiente dell’energia negli edifici in ambito fotovoltaico di terza generazione, eolico, rigenerazione, cogenerazione a combustibile metallico.
Il Centro En&Tech dedica un impegno prevalente alle attività di Ricerca Industriale, Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico rivolte ad utenti esterni.
Le attività offerte dal Centro comprendono sia forme di servizio personalizzato, sia prestazioni a tariffario.
Valutazione delle proprietà termo fisiche, chimico fisiche e strutturali dei materiali e dei componenti edilizi
Home e building automation, sistemi per illuminazione domestica ad alta efficienza energetica
Conversione efficiente dell’energia negli edifici in ambito FER
Il Centro collabora con diverse aziende operanti nel settore manifatturiero, dell'edilizia, dell'energia, della logistica e dei servizi.
Sono attive collaborazioni con aziende leader nel settore dei materiali per l'edilizia e nella rigenerazione e nel riutilizzo di materiali plastici e con aziende di riferimento, a livello nazionale e internazionale, operanti nell'ambito della climatizzazione e nella produzione di pompe di calore.
Altre collaborazioni sono attive con aziende operanti nella distribuzione del gas, per utenze civili e industriali e con aziende impegnate nella logistica e nei trasporti.
Design and development of new products / processes
- System design: logistics/manufacturing analysis (Lean Production, Supply Chain Management) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Detail design: Design archetypes , parametric models (CAD) - Leonardo Orazi
- Detail design: Dynamic analysis and NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) - Riccardo Rubini
- Detail design: internal and external three-dimensional thermo - fluid dynamics of components, machines and systems (CFD) - Massimo Milani
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional fluid dynamic analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems - Diego Angeli
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional static and dynamic electromechanical analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems - Emilio Lorenzani
- Design for Ergonomics (Digital Mock Up, HMI - Human Machine Interface, User centered design, User experience, Usability) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Design for Sustainability (LCA, energy efficiency) - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Design for Assembly / assembly analysis, tolerance chains and technical product documentation (CAD / CAT) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Rapid prototyping & Additive manufacturing - Leonardo Orazi
Manufactur processes
- Machining processes for metal removal (turning, milling, drilling, reaming, broaching, grinding, etc.) - Leonardo Orazi
- Microprocessing (micro-milling, -drilling, -laser, -waterjet, etc.) - Leonardo Orazi
- Additive manufacturing processes (3D printing, SLA rapid prototyping, etc.) - Leonardo Orazi
- Cladding - Leonardo Orazi
- Processes of recovery and recycling of materials / products - BIANCA RIMINI
- Reliability and quality of the finished product / process - BIANCA RIMINI
- Optimization of energy consumption - BIANCA RIMINI
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Design for Maintenance e e-Maintenance - BIANCA RIMINI
- Scheduled maintenance - BIANCA RIMINI
- Analysis of the time to failure of components and systems - BIANCA RIMINI
- Predictive maintenance - BIANCA RIMINI
- Self-diagnosis - BIANCA RIMINI
- Algorithms and systems for fault detection - BIANCA RIMINI
- Reliability - BIANCA RIMINI
- Algorithms for fault identification - BIANCA RIMINI
- Vibration analysis - BIANCA RIMINI
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - FMEA - BIANCA RIMINI
- Fault Tree Analisys - FTA - BIANCA RIMINI
- Elastomers - Eugenio Dragoni
- Piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials - Eugenio Dragoni
- Shape memory alloys - Eugenio Dragoni
- Materials with self-diagnostic and self-healing properties - Eugenio Dragoni
- Micro-nano materials functionalized - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Paintings - Anna Maria Ferrari
Thermo-fluid dynamics
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Massimo Milani
- Design and architecture of systems and machines for thermal management and fluids in industrial and technological plants - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for internal combustion engines - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans) - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for volumetric machines - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the production of energy - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analisys and simulation of systems and machines for thermal management and fluyds in industrial and technological plants - Massimo Milani
- Numerical analysis and simulation of the emissions of internal combustion engines, machines and systems for the production of energy - Massimo Milani
Automation: actuators and robotics
- Hydraulic actuators and motors - Massimo Milani
- Pneumatic actuators - Massimo Milani
- Fleets of mobile robots - Planning and coordination - Rita Gamberini
- Energy harvesting - GIOVANNI VERZELLESI
Machinery and plants
- Re-design of existing machines and plants with alternative meterials, techniques with hygienical properties included - Francesco Lolli
- Plant layout optimization - Francesco Lolli
- Optimization of logistical flows, interoperational buffer and stoking areas, managing policy of the logistic productive system - Francesco Lolli
- Energy saving and lowering of environment impact of machines and plants for food production - Francesco Lolli
- Fluidodinamic simulation of components and circuit - Diego Angeli
- Static and fatigue mechanical strength verification - Riccardo Rubini
- Heat exchange coefficient evaluation - Diego Angeli
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Production flow chart, raw material HACCP and QFD, formulation, packaging and conservation conditions - Francesco Lolli
- On-line product control feasibility for process optimization - Francesco Lolli
- Non-conventional thermal and non-thermal technologies for product stabilization, extraction, and conservation - Francesco Lolli
- Statistical control of the process - Francesco Lolli
- Quality control: use of control sheets to set up new packaging technologies and process monitoring - Francesco Lolli
- Life cycle assessment for food packaging - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Assessment of the environmental impact (LCA) of one or more packagings - Anna Maria Ferrari
Materials and components for high performance building
- Database of the thermodynamic properties of MATERIALS - Diego Angeli
- Determination of the characteristics, properties and parameters of BUILDING MATERIALS - Enrico Radi
- Modeling and evaluation of mechanical properties, durability, resistance to environmental factors, energy efficiency and insulation properties of MATERIALS - Diego Angeli
- LCA analysis on materials and components for the assessment of the environmental sustainability, functional to product development - COMPONENTS - Francesco Lolli
- Reuse of waste from COMPONENTS - Francesco Lolli
- Measurement, testing, certification campaign, according to Standards or customer specification on MATERIALS and COMPONENTS - Enrico Radi
- LCA analysis aimed to Environmental Product Declarations (ISO 14040, EPD) and environmental labelling (ECOLABEL in Italy, LEED Credits ..) - Anna Maria Ferrari
New high structural performance building
- Energy efficiency standard assessment for building sector and country domain - Diego Angeli
- Norms on Methodologies for Measuring Buildings Energy Efficiency - Diego Angeli
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Rita Gamberini
- Methodologies and models for the analysis of the energetic interaction between territory and built environment - Diego Angeli
- New building planning Intervention strategies - Enrico Radi
- Energy modeling of buildings - Diego Angeli
- Foresight of energy saving solutions impact by calculation and/or standard software - Rita Gamberini
- Use of default settings for static and dynamic mechanical stress computation codes - Enrico Radi
- Integratd energy efficiency and seismic planning - Enrico Radi
- Passiv houses - Enrico Radi
- New buildings components planning (innovative facades, highly efficient sun screen shields, etc.) - Enrico Radi
- Insulation planning with insulating and structural materials - Diego Angeli
- Design of high energy efficiency and eco-friendly systems for cooling, air-conditioning, heating, acs production - Rita Gamberini
- Domotic plants and systems planning - Rita Gamberini
- Demonstrator-buildings planning (full scale and prototypes) - Enrico Radi
- Energy audit and certification for the design of new buildings - Diego Angeli
(Revamp) Regeneration of buildings
- Cost-Benefit analysis for building RETROFITTING - Diego Angeli
- Thermographic detection and infrared diagnosis (IR), and non-destructive point analysis - Diego Angeli
- Structural - seismic reinforcement and consolidation - Enrico Radi
- Definition of action plans and procedures for energetic and sustainable requalification of existing buildings - Diego Angeli
- Assistance to building - technical systems integrated design - Rita Gamberini
- Analysis, energy audit and certification of buildings - Diego Angeli
- Focused and seasonal detection campaigns, with result's statistical analysis of constructions - Enrico Radi
- Measurement campaigns and certification, according to standards or customer request (in laboratory) on heating and cooling systems - Rita Gamberini
Restoration of cultural heritage
Ceramics materials traditional, advanced, functionalized and / or with low environmental impact
- DEMONSTRATORS of developed materials and components - BIANCA RIMINI
- PRODUCTS (tiles,bricks, sanitaryware, technical ceramics, advanced ceramics): determination of characteristics, properties and quality control - BIANCA RIMINI
- CONTROL OF THE ENERGETIC CONSUMPTION: consumption records according to the plants typology, energetic audit in ceramic plants. - BIANCA RIMINI
Materials and components for renewable solar sources
- Regulations on methods for measuring the properties of solar systems - BIANCA RIMINI
- MATERIALS DATABASE and performance for solar and photovoltaic installations - BIANCA RIMINI
- Determination of resistance characteristics of GLASS - BIANCA RIMINI
- Determination of OPERATING PARAMETERS of lasting panels, including accelerated tests - BIANCA RIMINI
- Determination of thermophysical and insulation PARAMETERS - BIANCA RIMINI
- Modeling and EVALUATION of mechanical properties, durability and sustainability of thermal and photovoltaic panels - BIANCA RIMINI
- Modeling and EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE to environmental factors (including hail) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - BIANCA RIMINI
- Modeling and EVALUATION of energetic producibility of thermal and photovoltaic panels - BIANCA RIMINI
- Functionalization (collection) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - BIANCA RIMINI
- RECYCLING of solar and photovoltaic systems - BIANCA RIMINI
- Preparation of TEST SYSTEMS for photovoltaic and thermal panels systems - BIANCA RIMINI
- COMPARATIVE TESTS in natural conditions (in the field) and accelerated lifetime (in the laboratory) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Measurement campaign and CERTIFICATION on basic materials and assemblies, standards or on customer specification - BIANCA RIMINI
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Waste collection and transfer: logistics, mapping, collection systems optimization, ICT integration - BIANCA RIMINI
- Waste management and valorization technologies - BIANCA RIMINI
- Waste-to-energy - BIANCA RIMINI
- Analysis of productive cycles and closed-loop production cycles - BIANCA RIMINI
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Solar PV - Emilio Lorenzani
- Solar thermic and concentrators - Diego Angeli
- Geothermal plants - BIANCA RIMINI
- Wind Energy - Diego Angeli
- Storage systems - BIANCA RIMINI
- Energy systems integration - BIANCA RIMINI
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Massimo Milani
- Cogeneration and microcogeneration systems - BIANCA RIMINI
Energy efficiency
- Energy planning - BIANCA RIMINI
- Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings - BIANCA RIMINI
- Energy efficiency in industrial processes and buildings - BIANCA RIMINI
- Lighting systems - GIOVANNI VERZELLESI
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Industrial ecodesign - Rita Gamberini
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Risk Analysis - BIANCA RIMINI
- Life Cycle Management (LCM)/Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) - Anna Maria Ferrari
- Product certification (EMAS) and environmental certifications (EMAS, ISO) - Anna Maria Ferrari
Ecosystem services
- Climate adaptation plans and strategies - BIANCA RIMINI
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - GIOVANNI VERZELLESI
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Water savings (loss reduction, geolocalization of leackages) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Management and monitoring of water distribution networks - BIANCA RIMINI
- Technologies for water reuse in productive cycles (process water, rain water, grey water, treated wastewater) - BIANCA RIMINI
- Urban, industrial and sanitary water treatment plants - BIANCA RIMINI
Sustainable mobility
- Analysis and tests of compliance with atmospheric emission limits - BIANCA RIMINI
- Data management and treatment (big and open data) for mobility - Mauro Dell'Amico
- Low environmental impact logistics - BIANCA RIMINI
- Low environmental impact vehicles - Eugenio Dragoni