A collection of case histories of successful collaborations between High Technology Network Laboratories and businesses. These are tangible and customisable examples of the application of new technologies, products, or services that show how industrial research can meet the needs of innovation.

Results: 7

Interoperability for enterprise networks / Support and instruments for interoperability and integration in standard based enterprise networks

Collaboration turns digital

The service and instruments offered seek to support ICT and manufacturing companies in solving interoperability issues connected to eBusiness and the use of international standards in collaborations among firms and between firms and Public...

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VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING for industrial design (VIP Lab)

Industrial design and User Experience

VIP Lab offers a human-centered design service based on an immersive 3D experience for viewing complex products and systems and simulating its behavior within an interactive virtual environment. The 3D models of the product can be displayed in 1:1...

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Sensing floors and Visual sensor network

Sensorised floors and visual sensor networks

Hardware and software design of behaviour recognition and analysis systems starting from data provided by innovative sensor networks, such as the new sensorised floors, or traditional, such as visual sensors, static and PTZ cameras and KINECT. With...

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Mobile Vision for augmented interactions

Automatic place recognition through images

Application for mobile devices (smartphones or wearable video cameras) that allows the surrounding environment, objects and people and their actions and interactions to be recognised and understood. Processing takes place directly on the device, and...

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Aggregation of the haulage demand

Advanced software tools able to reduce the costs and impact of freight traffic generated by industrial districts taking advantage of the co-location of a number of companies. The nature itself of the Italian virtual enterprise, based on a complex...

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For the leading company and its partners

The purpose of the research is to analyse and test an innovative software solution supporting scheduling and coordination of activities within an enterprise network. The instrument being developed is a sort of ERP for collaborative small-to-medium...

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Sentiment Analysis Systems for Business Intelligence

Analysis ofthe opinions expressed on the internet on a topic

The implemented Social Business Intelligence system makes it possible to interpret and analyse unstructured texts generated and collected from the web, to extract qualitative and quantitative assessments. Specifically, the system exceeds the...

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