TECNOPOLO DI MODENA - Campus del Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Enzo Ferrari", via Piero Vivarelli 2 - Modena (MO)
TECNOPOLO DI REGGIO EMILIA - Capannone 19 Area Ex Officine Reggiane - Piazzale Europa 1 - Reggio Emilia (RE)
Il Centro promuove e coordina studi e ricerche intersettoriali nel campo dell’industria manifatturiera, con particolare attenzione ai settori: Meccanica, Automotive, Motoristica, Robotica, Aerospace, Energia, Meccatronica, Materiali e Superfici, Biomedica; amalgamando tecnologie innovative, con un approccio interdisciplinare. Il Centro si propone quale interlocutore degli Enti Pubblici per la realizzazione e la gestione dei Tecnopoli nelle province di Modena e Reggio Emilia, si impegna a sviluppare progetti nel settore industriale indicati nell’accordo di programma inerente la costituzione dei Tecnopoli nelle provincie di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Il Centro favorisce le iniziative scientifiche e formative atte a promuovere collaborazioni negli ambiti culturali di interesse, a livello regionale nazionale ed internazionale. Inoltre, il Centro si propone come punto di riferimento per le Imprese del territorio che necessitano di consulenza, servizi e collaborazioni per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e processi. Il Centro inoltre coordina i laboratori e i gruppi di ricerca, gestisce programmi di ricerca, anche in collaborazione con altri Atenei, Enti pubblici o privati e partecipa all’organizzazione di corsi, seminari e convegni, collabora alla redazione e divulgazione della Normativa Tecnica; promuove la pubblicazione di lavori scientifici; offre collaborazione scientifica e consulenza tecnica a tutte le imprese che necessitano delle sue competenze.

Design and development of new products / processes
- Analysis and preliminary planning: Design project management (PDM / PLM) - Luca Montorsi
- Conceptual design: analysis of customer needs and development of alternative concepts - Luca Montorsi
- Conceptual design: graphic rendering, augmented reality, virtual reality - Luca Montorsi
- System design: logistics/manufacturing analysis (Lean Production, Supply Chain Management) - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design: Design archetypes , parametric models (CAD) - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design:static, dynamic, elastodynamic structural, thermo structural and crash analysis (FEM) - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design: Dynamic analysis and NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design: internal and external three-dimensional thermo - fluid dynamics of components, machines and systems (CFD) - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional fluid dynamic analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems - Luca Montorsi
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional static and dynamic electromechanical analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Ergonomics (Digital Mock Up, HMI - Human Machine Interface, User centered design, User experience, Usability) - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Sustainability (LCA, energy efficiency) - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Assembly / assembly analysis, tolerance chains and technical product documentation (CAD / CAT) - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Manufacturability / Analysis of technological processes for polymers (CAE): plastic deformation, injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Manufacturability / Analysis of technological processes for metal machining (CAM) - Luca Montorsi
- Integrated design and programming of robotic systems and automatic machines (flexible, modular, configurable, adaptive systems) - Luca Montorsi
- Design for Engineering Materials: methods and techniques for the exploitation of engineered materials - Luca Montorsi
- Design to cost, fault tolerance, robust design - Luca Montorsi
- Rapid prototyping & Additive manufacturing - Luca Montorsi
- Testing and prototyping: Structural analysis (strain gauge, fatigue) - Luca Montorsi
- Testing and prototyping: Thermal analysis, fluid dynamics and thermo- fluid dynamics (test benches) - Luca Montorsi
- Testing and prototyping: NVH analysis (test benches, anechoic chamber) - Luca Montorsi
- Testing and measuring: dimensional and geometric control; Reverse Engineering - Luca Montorsi
- Testing and measuring: certificate of conformity to technical regulations - Luca Montorsi
Manufactur processes
- Melting processes (in sand, in shell, die casting, investment casting, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Sheet metal forming processes (stamping, cutting, bending, hydroforming, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Machining processes for metal removal (turning, milling, drilling, reaming, broaching, grinding, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Conventional welding processes (arc, TIG, MIG / MAG, resistance, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Unconventional welding processes (laser, plasma, ultrasound, electron beam, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of production / machining of products in polymer materials - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of production / machining of products of composite materials - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of powder sintering - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of ceramic materials production / machining (massive, dense / porous, thick films, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of production / machining of products in glass - Luca Montorsi
- Non-conventional machining processes (laser, plasma, waterjet, chemical and electrochemical , ultrasonic, electrical discharge, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Microprocessing (micro-milling, -drilling, -laser, -waterjet, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Additive manufacturing processes (3D printing, SLA rapid prototyping, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Heat treatments of conventional and not conventional metal alloys - Luca Montorsi
- Treatments of surface modification for metallic materials (thermochemical, conversion, CVD, PVD, electroplating, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Surface treatments of chemical and physical functionalization of materials (texturing, SOL-GEL, plasma activation, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Cladding - Luca Montorsi
- Generation and optimization of the part program - Luca Montorsi
- Production planning (cell and processing lines configuration, scheduling, reconfigurability, adaptivity, lean production, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Processes of recovery and recycling of materials / products - Luca Montorsi
- Optimization of energy consumption - Luca Montorsi
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Analysis of the time to failure of components and systems - Luca Montorsi
- Predictive maintenance - Luca Montorsi
- Self-diagnosis - Luca Montorsi
- Reliability - Luca Montorsi
- Thermography - Luca Montorsi
- Tribological analysis - Luca Montorsi
- Signal processing for fault identification - Luca Montorsi
- Vibration analysis - Luca Montorsi
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - FMEA - Luca Montorsi
- Fault Tree Analisys - FTA - Luca Montorsi
- Metals: ferrous alloys (steel, cast iron) - Luca Montorsi
- Metals: non-ferrous alloys (aluminum, copper, nickel, titanium, magnesium, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Metal matrix composites and nanocomposites - Luca Montorsi
- Corrosion: protection and inhibition - Luca Montorsi
- Thermoplastic polymeric materials - Luca Montorsi
- Thermosetting polymer materials - Luca Montorsi
- Elastomers - Luca Montorsi
- Polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites - Luca Montorsi
- Polymeric nanofibers - Luca Montorsi
- Ceramic materials (oxides, nitrides, carbides, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Ceramic matrix composites and nanocomposites - Luca Montorsi
- Glass and glass-ceramic materials - Luca Montorsi
- Ultra hard metal-ceramic materials, for anti-wear, anti-corrosion, thermal barrier applications - Luca Montorsi
- Carbon-based materials (graphene oxides, TPG, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Porous materials (foams, sponges, etc) - Luca Montorsi
- Shape memory alloys - Luca Montorsi
- Materials with self-diagnostic and self-healing properties - Luca Montorsi
- Magnetorheological fluids - Luca Montorsi
- Nanomaterials (filler, graphene, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Micro-nano materials functionalized - Luca Montorsi
- Sound-proofing poroelastic, viscoelastic, multilayer materials - Luca Montorsi
Noise, vibrations, dynamics, NVH
- Reducing noise and vibration (NVH) in industrial products and processes by simulation and / or test - Luca Montorsi
- Improving the dynamic performance of products or production processes by simulation and / or test - Luca Montorsi
- Dynamic / elastodynamic analysis and control (multibody models, lumped-parameter models, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Balancing - Luca Montorsi
- Vibro-acoustic simulation: Finite Element models (FEM), Boundary Element models (BEM), Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), Ray-tracing - Luca Montorsi
- Vibro-acoustic experimental characterization of product - Luca Montorsi
- Experimental modal analysis - Luca Montorsi
- Experimental noise mapping of industrial products and machinery - Luca Montorsi
- Hw / sw customized systems for vibro-acoustic measurements: realization and implementation - Luca Montorsi
- Vibration and fatigue life tests on electrodynamic shaker systems - Luca Montorsi
- Vibration diagnostics and quality control: hw/sw solutions for the detection of defects and malfunctions - Luca Montorsi
- Anti-vibration systems: design and installation criteria - Luca Montorsi
- Active control of noise and vibration - Luca Montorsi
- Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) - Luca Montorsi
- Mechanical transmissions: dynamics and control - Luca Montorsi
- Compliant joints: design and dynamics - Luca Montorsi
Thermo-fluid dynamics
- Design and architecture of components and systems for internal combustion engines - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans) - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of components and systems for volumetric machines - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of components, systems and plants for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Luca Montorsi
- Design and architecture of systems and machines for thermal management and fluids in industrial and technological plants - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for internal combustion engines - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans) - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for volumetric machines - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analisys and simulation of systems and machines for thermal management and fluyds in industrial and technological plants - Luca Montorsi
- Numerical analysis and simulation of the emissions of internal combustion engines, machines and systems for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
- Experimental analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic characteristics and performances of components, systems and plants: contact techniques - Luca Montorsi
- Experimental analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic characteristics and performances of components, systems and plants: non-contact techniques - Luca Montorsi
- Experimental analysis of the emissions of internal combustion engines, machines and systems for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
- Technical-regulatory and technical-legal assistance for machines, industrial plants and systems for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
- Certification and declaration of conformity for machines, industrial plants and systems for the production of energy - Luca Montorsi
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
- Discrete events mathematical modeling of systems and processes - Luca Montorsi
- Continuous-time and discrete-time mathematical modeling of systems and processes - Luca Montorsi
- Infinite-dimensional mathematical modeling of systems - Luca Montorsi
- Non-parametric modeling (neural networks, etc.) - Luca Montorsi
- Acquisition and pre-processing of signals for model identification - Luca Montorsi
- Simulation for discrete events models - Luca Montorsi
- Simulation for dynamic continuous-time and discrete-time models - Luca Montorsi
- Finite element simulation (FEM) - Luca Montorsi
- Formal languages for systems modeling (Unified Modeling Language-UML and SysML-System Modeling Language) - Luca Montorsi
- Validation of models and X-In-The-Loop (software in the loop and hardware in the loop) - Luca Montorsi
Automation: actuators and robotics
- Rotary and linear electromechanical actuators - Luca Montorsi
- Thermal-electric actuators (hybrid) - Luca Montorsi
- Hydraulic actuators and motors - Luca Montorsi
- Pneumatic actuators - Luca Montorsi
- Kinematic chains (belts, cams, reduction gears, crank thrusts, etc) - Luca Montorsi
- Trajectory planning - Luca Montorsi
- Hardware design - Luca Montorsi
- Designe of specific software application (acquisition, processing, control, supervision, ...) - Luca Montorsi
- Control algorithms and cognitive techniques - Luca Montorsi
- Human-machine interfaces - Luca Montorsi
- Robot task design in workcells - Luca Montorsi
- Human-robot interactive collaboration in intrinsically safe work cells - Luca Montorsi
- Self-learning robot in work cells - Luca Montorsi
- Fleets of mobile robots - Planning and coordination - Luca Montorsi
- Mobile Robots - localization and autonomous navigation - Luca Montorsi
- Mobile Robots - non-industrial applications - Luca Montorsi
- Grasping devices and robot manipulators - Luca Montorsi
- Cognition and autonomy for robots in unstructured environments - Luca Montorsi
- Integration of vision systems for fixed and mobile robotics - Luca Montorsi
- Sensors for thermodynamic parameters (temperature and heat flow) - Luca Montorsi
- Mechanical sensors (accelerometers, gyroscopes, strain gauges, microphones); Tactile , force, torque sensors. Doppler laser sensors - Luca Montorsi
- Optical sensors, waveguides and photonic structures, optics fibers - Luca Montorsi
- Detectors of ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma, radon) - Luca Montorsi
- Biosensors (enzymes, cells, antibodies,analyte and ions) - Luca Montorsi
- Sensors for flow, flow rate and pressure of liquids and gases, and for microfluidics - Luca Montorsi
- Electrical, power and magnetic sensors - Luca Montorsi
- Chemical, gas, indoor air quality sensors, Lab-on-Chip - Luca Montorsi
- Energy harvesting - Luca Montorsi
- State of the art, norms analysis, standards and background art analysis of sensors - Luca Montorsi
Electronics devices and Component
- Digital Integrated circuits - Luca Montorsi
- Radio frequency and microwave electronics - Luca Montorsi
- Hardware System integration - Luca Montorsi
- Measurement instruments and systems - Luca Montorsi
- Sensors - Luca Montorsi
- Optoelectronic and LED components - Luca Montorsi
- Prototypes and production assembly - Luca Montorsi
- Antennas and propagation - Luca Montorsi
- Power devices (power supply, inverter, driver) - Luca Montorsi
- Device reliability - Luca Montorsi
Green IT
- IT sustainability - Luca Montorsi
- Power and performance analysis - Luca Montorsi
- Motor control - Luca Montorsi
- Batteries management - Luca Montorsi
- Industrial green process - Luca Montorsi
Embedded systems
- Hardware Design Flow - Luca Montorsi
- DSPs and Embedded Processors - Luca Montorsi
- Programmable Devices (FPGA, GA, CPLD) - Luca Montorsi
- Sensor-based systems - Luca Montorsi
- Sensor networks and WSN - Luca Montorsi
Internet of things and CyberPhysical Systems
- Identification Device networks (RFID, QR, Beacon..) - Luca Montorsi
- CyberPhysical System Modelling - Luca Montorsi
- IoT Application - Luca Montorsi
- Simulation of Physical systems - Luca Montorsi
Automation Control and Robotics
- Optimal control and parameter identification - Luca Montorsi
- Fault detection and industrial control - Luca Montorsi
- Dynamic Modeling - Luca Montorsi
- Human robot interaction - Luca Montorsi
- Mobile robots - Luca Montorsi
- Robot Intelligence and Learning - Luca Montorsi
- Manipulation and impendence control - Luca Montorsi
- Haptic interfaces and force control - Luca Montorsi
Unmanned Technologies
- Unmanned Vehicles - Luca Montorsi
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV, Drones) - Luca Montorsi
- Apps for UV, UAV Management - Luca Montorsi
- Consumer Unmanned technologies - Luca Montorsi
- Robot and high level android Management - Luca Montorsi
- Autonomous guidance and obstacle detection - Luca Montorsi
- Vehicle, motion and hybrid systems control - Luca Montorsi
Computer Vision and Visual Computing
- Augmented / Virtual Reality - Luca Montorsi
Multimedia and human-computer interaction
- 3D CAD and industrial design - Luca Montorsi
- Human-computer interaction modeling - Luca Montorsi
- User experience and usability - Luca Montorsi
Software engineering
- Software Agent technologies and methodologies - Luca Montorsi
- Open source software - Luca Montorsi
- Service-Oriented Computing and Agent-Oriented Programming - Luca Montorsi
- Mobile agent infrastructures - Luca Montorsi
Artificial Intelligence and optimization
- Systems modelling and simulation - Luca Montorsi
- Neural networks and Cellular automata - Luca Montorsi
- System monitoring and fault detection - Luca Montorsi
- State Space Observers - Luca Montorsi
- Business Process Modeling and Management - Luca Montorsi
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Luca Montorsi
- Technologies for critical raw materials substitution - Luca Montorsi
- Analysis of productive cycles and closed-loop production cycles - Luca Montorsi
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
- Evaluation and characterization of biomass potential (availability, identification and mapping) - Luca Montorsi
- Non-food crops for biomaterials and biofuels production - Luca Montorsi
- Biopolymers and microbial polymers - Luca Montorsi
- Anaerobic digestion for materials and energy production - Luca Montorsi
- Conversion technologies for chemicals, materials and energy production (pyrolysis, gassification, fermentation, lignocellulosic treatments) - Luca Montorsi
- Biomethane upgrading - Luca Montorsi
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Wind Energy - Luca Montorsi
- Storage systems - Luca Montorsi
- Energy systems integration - Luca Montorsi
- Cogeneration and microcogeneration systems - Luca Montorsi
Energy efficiency
- Energy certification and energy audits - Luca Montorsi
- Energy planning - Luca Montorsi
- Power, performance and emission tests on energy plants - Luca Montorsi
- Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings - Luca Montorsi
- Energy efficiency in industrial processes and buildings - Luca Montorsi
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Industrial ecodesign - Luca Montorsi
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Luca Montorsi
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) - Luca Montorsi
- Life Cycle Management (LCM)/Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) - Luca Montorsi
- Product certification (EMAS) and environmental certifications (EMAS, ISO) - Luca Montorsi
Ecosystem services
- Climate adaptation plans and strategies - Luca Montorsi
- Panning of urban systems to maintain ecosystem functions in cities - Luca Montorsi
Sustainable mobility
- Analysis and tests of compliance with atmospheric emission limits - Luca Montorsi
- Air quality modeling - Luca Montorsi
- Alternative fuels and distribution networks - Luca Montorsi
- Low environmental impact vehicles - Luca Montorsi