TECNOPOLO DI PARMA - Campus Universitario di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze - Parma (PR)
CIDEA svolge attività di ricerca e sviluppo sulle fonti di energia rinnovabile, sui processi per la generazione, conversione, trasmissione, gestione ed utilizzazione dell’energia, sugli Impatti sull’ambiente e sulla loro mitigazione. Le competenze scientifiche e tecnologiche disponibili presso CIDEA spaziano dall’Ingegneria, all’Economia, alle Scienze Ambientali, alla Chimica, alla Fisica ed alla Matematica.
Il Centro è strutturato in 5 Unità Operative: Energia, Ambiente, Economia, Acque e Dati.

L'Unità si occupa di fonti energetiche, Smart Energy Systems (sistemi e reti energetiche complesse); generazione, conversione, trasmissione, stoccaggio ed utilizzazione dell’energia; materiali per l’harvesting e lo storage.
L'Unità è specializzata nella valutazione e mitigazione degli impatti sull’ambiente e sugli esseri viventi; tutela della biodiversità; soluzioni per la sostenibilità; processi biologici per la conversione e la depurazione; ottimizzazione dell'utilizzo delle risorse e dei processi.
L'Unità si occupa di analisi e valutazione dei costi ambientali ed economici delle filiere energetiche; filiere agroenergetiche e politiche di sviluppo; LCA e analisi costi-benefici; Green marketing; sviluppo sostenibile delle attività produttive e delle aree rurali.
L'Unità Operativa è specializzata nella gestione del ciclo idrico integrato; gestione delle risorse idriche; agricoltura di precisione; cambiamenti climatici; mitigazione delle crisi idrogeologiche.
L'Unità si occupa della definizione, acquisizione e gestione dei dati energetici ed ambientali; soluzioni Internet-of-Things (IoT); Monitoraggio ambientale outdoor e indoor.
Aziende dei settori energetico ed ambientale, agricolo ed alimentare, tra le quali: Elettric80 S.p.a., Società Fornovo Gas Srl, SIRAM-VEOLIA Spa, Società Aeroporti di roma Spa, GALLETTI S.p.A., GEO-NET S.r.l., AeroDron S.r.l., Sacmi S.C., RM irrigation S.p.a., Pioneer Hi-Bred Italia Srl, Tomato Colors S.C., SAUBER Srl, Apofruit Italia S.c.agr., Casella Macchine Agricole Srl, DINAMICA Scrl, Horta Srl, Mutti SpA, OCMIS Irrigazione SpA, SIME Idromeccanica Srl, WINET Srl.
Design and development of new products / processes
- Detail design: internal and external three-dimensional thermo - fluid dynamics of components, machines and systems (CFD) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional fluid dynamic analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Testing and prototyping: Thermal analysis, fluid dynamics and thermo- fluid dynamics (test benches) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design for Sustainability (LCA, energy efficiency) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Testing and prototyping: NVH analysis (test benches, anechoic chamber) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Testing and measuring: dimensional and geometric control; Reverse Engineering - Agostino Gambarotta
- Testing and measuring: certificate of conformity to technical regulations - Agostino Gambarotta
Manufactur processes
- Optimization of energy consumption - Agostino Gambarotta
- Processes of recovery and recycling of materials / products - Agostino Gambarotta
- Reliability and quality of the finished product / process - Agostino Gambarotta
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Thermography - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design for Maintenance e e-Maintenance - Agostino Gambarotta
- Scheduled maintenance - Agostino Gambarotta
- Analysis of the time to failure of components and systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Predictive maintenance - Agostino Gambarotta
- Sensors for predictive maintenance - Agostino Gambarotta
- e-maintenance: remote management of maintenance and fault - Agostino Gambarotta
- Self-diagnosis - Agostino Gambarotta
- Algorithms and systems for fault detection - Agostino Gambarotta
- Reliability - Agostino Gambarotta
- Algorithms for fault identification - Agostino Gambarotta
- Signal processing for fault identification - Agostino Gambarotta
Thermo-fluid dynamics
- Design and architecture of components and systems for internal combustion engines - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of components, systems and plants for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for internal combustion engines - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for volumetric machines - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analisys and simulation of systems and machines for thermal management and fluyds in industrial and technological plants - Agostino Gambarotta
- Numerical analysis and simulation of the emissions of internal combustion engines, machines and systems for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Experimental analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic characteristics and performances of components, systems and plants: contact techniques - Agostino Gambarotta
- Experimental analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic characteristics and performances of components, systems and plants: non-contact techniques - Agostino Gambarotta
- Experimental analysis of the thermo-fluid dynamic characteristics and performances of components, systems and plants: the wireless signal transmission - Agostino Gambarotta
- Experimental analysis of the emissions of internal combustion engines, machines and systems for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of components and systems for volumetric machines - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design and architecture of systems and machines for thermal management and fluids in industrial and technological plants - Agostino Gambarotta
- Technical-regulatory and technical-legal assistance for machines, industrial plants and systems for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Certification and declaration of conformity for machines, industrial plants and systems for the production of energy - Agostino Gambarotta
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
- Discrete events mathematical modeling of systems and processes - Agostino Gambarotta
- Continuous-time and discrete-time mathematical modeling of systems and processes - Agostino Gambarotta
- Acquisition and pre-processing of signals for model identification - Agostino Gambarotta
- Simulation for discrete events models - Agostino Gambarotta
- Infinite-dimensional mathematical modeling of systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Non-parametric modeling (neural networks, etc.) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Identification of models and parameters estimation - Agostino Gambarotta
- Simulation for dynamic continuous-time and discrete-time models - Agostino Gambarotta
- Formal languages for systems modeling (Unified Modeling Language-UML and SysML-System Modeling Language) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Validation of models and X-In-The-Loop (software in the loop and hardware in the loop) - Agostino Gambarotta
Automation: actuators and robotics
- Rotary and linear electromechanical actuators - Agostino Gambarotta
- Hydraulic actuators and motors - Agostino Gambarotta
- Thermal-electric actuators (hybrid) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Piezoelectric actuators - Agostino Gambarotta
- Micro-actuators based on MEMS - Agostino Gambarotta
- Pneumatic actuators - Agostino Gambarotta
- Designe of specific software application (acquisition, processing, control, supervision, ...) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Control algorithms and cognitive techniques - Agostino Gambarotta
- Data transmission systems, communications (bus, internet, wireless, etc.) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Human-machine interfaces - Agostino Gambarotta
- Robot task design in workcells - Agostino Gambarotta
- Human-robot interactive collaboration in intrinsically safe work cells - Agostino Gambarotta
- Self-learning robot in work cells - Agostino Gambarotta
- Fleets of mobile robots - Planning and coordination - Agostino Gambarotta
- Mobile Robots - localization and autonomous navigation - Agostino Gambarotta
- Mobile Robots - non-industrial applications - Agostino Gambarotta
Automation Control and Robotics
- Dynamic Modeling - Agostino Gambarotta
- Optimal control and parameter identification - Agostino Gambarotta
- Fault detection and industrial control - Agostino Gambarotta
- Human robot interaction - Agostino Gambarotta
Artificial Intelligence and optimization
- Systems modelling and simulation - Agostino Gambarotta
- Expert systems and logic programming - Agostino Gambarotta
- Neural networks and Cellular automata - Agostino Gambarotta
- Machine learning - Michele Amoretti
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
- Evaluation and characterization of biomass potential (availability, identification and mapping) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Conversion technologies for chemicals, materials and energy production (pyrolysis, gassification, fermentation, lignocellulosic treatments) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Biomethane upgrading - Agostino Gambarotta
- Marine and microalgal biotechnologies - Agostino Gambarotta
- Anaerobic digestion for materials and energy production - Agostino Gambarotta
- Non-food crops for biomaterials and biofuels production - Agostino Gambarotta
- Upgrading and scale up processes - Agostino Gambarotta
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Solar PV - Agostino Gambarotta
- Solar thermic and concentrators - Agostino Gambarotta
- Geothermal plants - Agostino Gambarotta
- Wind Energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Hydroelectric and wave energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Storage systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy systems integration - Agostino Gambarotta
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Agostino Gambarotta
- Cogeneration and microcogeneration systems - Agostino Gambarotta
Energy efficiency
- Energy certification and energy audits - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy planning - Agostino Gambarotta
- Power, performance and emission tests on energy plants - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy efficiency in industrial processes and buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Smart grids - Agostino Gambarotta
- Lighting systems - Agostino Gambarotta
Ecosystem services
- Climate adaptation plans and strategies - Agostino Gambarotta
- Panning of urban systems to maintain ecosystem functions in cities - Agostino Gambarotta
- Remote sensing measurement systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Integrated monitoring of terrestrial, marine, and transitional ecosystems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Evaluation of human activities impacts on ecosystems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Low cost chemical and physical parameters measurement systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Crowdsensing systems for ecosystem services - Agostino Gambarotta
- Data management and treatment (big and open data) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Evaluation of immunological plant response, genetics and plant physiology - Agostino Gambarotta
- Soil remediation - Agostino Gambarotta
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Analysis and models for groundwater resources management - Agostino Gambarotta
- Bioindicators and microbiological water analysis - Agostino Gambarotta
- Water savings (loss reduction, geolocalization of leackages) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Management and monitoring of water distribution networks - Agostino Gambarotta
- Technologies for water reuse in productive cycles (process water, rain water, grey water, treated wastewater) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Remediation technologies (Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), adsorption, phytoremedation) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Urban, industrial and sanitary water treatment plants - Agostino Gambarotta
Sustainable mobility
- Analysis and tests of compliance with atmospheric emission limits - Agostino Gambarotta
- Low environmental impact vehicles - Agostino Gambarotta
- Air quality modeling - Agostino Gambarotta
- Data management and treatment (big and open data) for mobility - Agostino Gambarotta
- Alternative fuels and distribution networks - Agostino Gambarotta
- Low environmental impact logistics - Agostino Gambarotta
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Waste collection and transfer: logistics, mapping, collection systems optimization, ICT integration - Agostino Gambarotta
- Characterization techniques and pretreatments - Agostino Gambarotta
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Agostino Gambarotta
- Technologies for critical raw materials substitution - Agostino Gambarotta
- Analysis of productive cycles and closed-loop production cycles - Agostino Gambarotta
- Urban mining - Agostino Gambarotta
Tools and methods for sustainability
- IPCC guidelines for CO2 balance - Agostino Gambarotta
- Environmental impact analysis (SIA) and integrated environmental authorization (AIA) of plants and sites - Agostino Gambarotta
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Risk Analysis - Agostino Gambarotta
- Life Cycle Management (LCM)/Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Product certification (EMAS) and environmental certifications (EMAS, ISO) - Agostino Gambarotta
Machinery and plants
- Thermal exchange enhancement - Agostino Gambarotta
- Noise reduction - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy saving and lowering of environment impact of machines and plants for food production - Agostino Gambarotta
- Fluidodinamic simulation of components and circuit - Agostino Gambarotta
- Efficiency and yield verification - Agostino Gambarotta
- Study of sterilization systems of containers for primary packaging in controlled contamination plants - Agostino Gambarotta
- Heat exchange coefficient evaluation - Agostino Gambarotta
Green IT
- Batteries management - Agostino Gambarotta
- Solar cells and wind energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy harvesting - Agostino Gambarotta
- Green electronic equipment engineering - Agostino Gambarotta
- Industrial green process - Agostino Gambarotta
Materials and components for high performance building
- Catalogue of INSULATING MATERIALS (organic and inorganic) and generation of ad hoc catalogues - Agostino Gambarotta
- Catalogue of high-performance PLANT SYSTEMS - Agostino Gambarotta
- Catalogue of the different types of FIXTURES - Agostino Gambarotta
- Determination of the characteristics, properties and parameters of BUILDING MATERIALS - Agostino Gambarotta
- LCA analysis on materials and components for the assessment of the environmental sustainability, functional to product development - COMPONENTS - Agostino Gambarotta
- LCA analysis aimed to Environmental Product Declarations (ISO 14040, EPD) and environmental labelling (ECOLABEL in Italy, LEED Credits ..) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Study of INNOVATIVE COMPOSITE MATERIALS and environmental sustainability analysis of the REINFORCING SYSTEM - Agostino Gambarotta
- LCA analysis on materials and components for the assessment of the environmental sustainability, functional to product development - MATERIALS - Agostino Gambarotta
- Identification of SAMPLE BUILDINGS for the carrying out of experimental operations (application of new materials / components) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Identification of technological EVOLUTION TRENDS of building materials and components (Roadmap of development trends) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Modeling and evaluation of mechanical properties, durability, resistance to environmental factors, energy efficiency and insulation properties of MATERIALS - Agostino Gambarotta
New high structural performance building
- Energy efficiency standard assessment for building sector and country domain - Agostino Gambarotta
- Norms on Methodologies for Measuring Buildings Energy Efficiency - Agostino Gambarotta
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Costs/Benefits Analysis for energy efficiency in new buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Environmental assessement model of micro-urban areas sustainability - Agostino Gambarotta
- Environmental assessement model of building sustainability - Agostino Gambarotta
- Methodologies and models for the analysis of the energetic interaction between territory and built environment - Agostino Gambarotta
- New building planning Intervention strategies - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy modeling of buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Foresight of energy saving solutions impact by calculation and/or standard software - Agostino Gambarotta
- Green building - Agostino Gambarotta
- Passiv houses - Agostino Gambarotta
- Insulation planning with insulating and structural materials - Agostino Gambarotta
- Design of high energy efficiency and eco-friendly systems for cooling, air-conditioning, heating, acs production - Agostino Gambarotta
- Domotic plants and systems planning - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy audit and certification for the design of new buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
(Revamp) Regeneration of buildings
- Cost-Benefit analysis for building RETROFITTING - Agostino Gambarotta
- Thermographic detection and infrared diagnosis (IR), and non-destructive point analysis - Agostino Gambarotta
- Buildings mapping connected to database for buildings management (BIM models) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Monitoring and cleaning-up projects of radon pollution - Agostino Gambarotta
- Assistance to building - technical systems integrated design - Agostino Gambarotta
- Analysis, energy audit and certification of buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Measurement campaigns and certification, according to standards or customer request (in laboratory) on heating and cooling systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Noise performance analysis of construction elements and structural joints to realistic fire, in laboratory or on field - Agostino Gambarotta
- URBAN PLANNING INSTRUMENTS integration, existing buildings sustainability analysis and critical points detection - Agostino Gambarotta
Restoration of cultural heritage
- Cost-benefit analysis of energy efficiecy in historic buildings - Agostino Gambarotta
- Environmental analysis related to cultural heritage - Agostino Gambarotta
Materials and components for renewable solar sources
- Regulations on methods for measuring the properties of solar systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- MATERIALS DATABASE and performance for solar and photovoltaic installations - Agostino Gambarotta
- Determination of resistance characteristics of GLASS - Agostino Gambarotta
- Determination of OPERATING PARAMETERS of lasting panels, including accelerated tests - Agostino Gambarotta
- Determination of thermophysical and insulation PARAMETERS - Agostino Gambarotta
- Modeling and EVALUATION of mechanical properties, durability and sustainability of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Agostino Gambarotta
- Modeling and EVALUATION OF RESISTANCE to environmental factors (including hail) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Agostino Gambarotta
- Modeling and EVALUATION of energetic producibility of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Agostino Gambarotta
- Functionalization (collection) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Agostino Gambarotta
- RECYCLING of solar and photovoltaic systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- Preparation of TEST SYSTEMS for photovoltaic and thermal panels systems - Agostino Gambarotta
- COMPARATIVE TESTS in natural conditions (in the field) and accelerated lifetime (in the laboratory) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Measurement campaign and CERTIFICATION on basic materials and assemblies, standards or on customer specification - Agostino Gambarotta
Civil and building Infrastructure (including renewable water sources and geothermal )
- Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of infrastructure and interventions at sea. - Agostino Gambarotta
- Development of PROTECTION STRATEGIES and groundwater resources protection from human activity. - Agostino Gambarotta
- Feasibility studies, impact analysis, verification of the efects on the land-use, water resources or particular accumulation infrastructures - Agostino Gambarotta
- Hydraulic design of civil infrastructure that exist on riverbeds (embankments, bridges, etc.). - Agostino Gambarotta
- Advanced numerical modeling of aquaduct systems and application of optimization algorithms (management and loss mitigation) - Agostino Gambarotta
- Modeling of the components for the integrated water system from the LCA perspective for the optimization of environmental performance, technology and process. - Agostino Gambarotta
- Specific measures for water systems and water supply networks - Agostino Gambarotta
- Models for ENERGY PRODUCTION from renewable sources: waves, tides, wind - Agostino Gambarotta
- CONVERSION devices for renewable energy derived from waves and tides and the marine environment in general - Agostino Gambarotta
- Analysis and economic evaluation of energy production from geothermal sources and analysis of the impact on aquifer. - Agostino Gambarotta
- Study of innovative metallic materials for the heat pumps and use of geothermal energy - Agostino Gambarotta
- Piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials - Agostino Gambarotta
- Magnetorheological fluids - Agostino Gambarotta
Noise, vibrations, dynamics, NVH
- Reducing noise and vibration (NVH) in industrial products and processes by simulation and / or test - Agostino Gambarotta
- Improving the dynamic performance of products or production processes by simulation and / or test - Agostino Gambarotta
- Vibro-acoustic simulation: Finite Element models (FEM), Boundary Element models (BEM), Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), Ray-tracing - Agostino Gambarotta
- Vibro-acoustic experimental characterization of product - Agostino Gambarotta
- Experimental noise mapping of industrial products and machinery - Agostino Gambarotta
- Use of multi-layer sound-proofing materials: acoustic optimization through modeling and / or tests - Agostino Gambarotta
- Use of poroelastic and viscoelastic materials: acoustic and physical characterization; modeling of sound propagation - Agostino Gambarotta
- Active control of noise and vibration - Agostino Gambarotta
- Sensors for flow, flow rate and pressure of liquids and gases, and for microfluidics - Agostino Gambarotta
- Electrical, power and magnetic sensors - Agostino Gambarotta
- Chemical, gas, indoor air quality sensors, Lab-on-Chip - Agostino Gambarotta
- Energy harvesting - Agostino Gambarotta
- Signal interface integration, wireless systems and wireless sensor networks - Agostino Gambarotta
- Software for measuring instruments and measurements - Agostino Gambarotta
Security and privacy
- ICT security - Michele Amoretti
Valorization of food industry byproducts
Quality of raw materials
- Intruments and services for precision agriculture - Agostino Gambarotta
- Sustainable packaging - Agostino Gambarotta
- Life cycle assessment for food packaging - Agostino Gambarotta
- New materials to reduce environment impact - Agostino Gambarotta
- Assessment of the environmental impact (LCA) of one or more packagings - Agostino Gambarotta