Via Pola Esterna 4/12 - Carpi (MO)
NCS è un centro multi-tecnologico votato all’innovazione di prodotto, in grado di gestire un processo integrato dalla generazione di nuove idee, fino alle omologhe/approvazioni necessarie per la commercializzazione.
L’attività di NCS si compone di varie competenze, impiegate singolarmente o integrate per la realizzazione di progetti, nelle varie fasi:
- creazione di nuove idee o soluzioni da failure analysis,
- progettazione meccanica ed integrazione di controlli/sensoristica necessaria,
- selezione di materiali e processi in funzione dei requisiti di progetto,
- stesura dei requisiti/capitolati per la realizzazione o controllo di un processo,
- simulazione numerica e caratterizzazione sperimentale (prove normate o set up customizzati) e realizzazione di prototipi e produzioni (con tecnologie additive, CNC, per fusione e sinterizzazione).
A questo si accompagna la competenza regolatoria e le certificazioni del sistema qualità aziendale, oltre alla definizione in ottica strategica del portfolio brevettuale.
NCS opera principalmente nei settori automotive e medicale ma ha un track record di successo anche in ambito aerospace e macchine automatiche. L’attitudine all’innovazione in NCS è trasversale agli ambiti industriali e si concretizza con una gestione efficace della complessità in un ambiente flessibile, competente, esperto. Nel corso della propria attività NCS ha contributo alla generazione di più di 20 brevetti riconosciuti a livello internazionale.

- Aziende nel settore Automotive (design, progettazione e realizzazione di componentistica e modelli full scale per prototipi e veicoli marcianti)
- Aziende nel settore Medicale-Ortopedia (sviluppo e caratterizzazione prodotti impiantabili e relativi strumentari)
- Aziende nel settore Aerospace
- Aziende nel settore delle macchine automatiche, impacchettamento ed alimentare
- Aziende nel settore della meccanica generale
Design and development of new products / processes
- Analysis and preliminary planning: Design project management (PDM / PLM) - Matteo Mantovani
- Conceptual design: analysis of customer needs and development of alternative concepts - Matteo Mantovani
- System design: logistics/manufacturing analysis (Lean Production, Supply Chain Management) - Matteo Mantovani
- Detail design: Design archetypes , parametric models (CAD)
- Detail design:static, dynamic, elastodynamic structural, thermo structural and crash analysis (FEM)
- Detail design: internal and external three-dimensional thermo - fluid dynamics of components, machines and systems (CFD)
- Detail design: lumped parameter and one-dimensional fluid dynamic analysis of circuits, components, machines and systems
- Design for Ergonomics (Digital Mock Up, HMI - Human Machine Interface, User centered design, User experience, Usability)
- Design for Assembly / assembly analysis, tolerance chains and technical product documentation (CAD / CAT)
- Design for Manufacturability / Analysis of technological processes for metals (CAE): castings, plastic deformation, sheet-metal forming, injection molding
- Design for Manufacturability / Analysis of technological processes for polymers (CAE): plastic deformation, injection molding, extrusion, thermoforming
- Design for Manufacturability / Analysis of technological processes for metal machining (CAM)
- Design for Engineering Materials: methods and techniques for the exploitation of engineered materials - Matteo Mantovani
- Design to cost, fault tolerance, robust design
- Rapid prototyping & Additive manufacturing
- Testing and prototyping: Structural analysis (strain gauge, fatigue) - Matteo Mantovani
- Testing and prototyping: Thermal analysis, fluid dynamics and thermo- fluid dynamics (test benches) - Matteo Mantovani
- Testing and measuring: dimensional and geometric control; Reverse Engineering
- Testing and measuring: certificate of conformity to technical regulations
Manufactur processes
- Melting processes (in sand, in shell, die casting, investment casting, etc.)
- Massive deformation processes (forging, pressing, rolling mill, extrusion, drawing, etc.)
- Sheet metal forming processes (stamping, cutting, bending, hydroforming, etc.)
- Machining processes for metal removal (turning, milling, drilling, reaming, broaching, grinding, etc.)
- Conventional welding processes (arc, TIG, MIG / MAG, resistance, etc.) - Matteo Mantovani
- Unconventional welding processes (laser, plasma, ultrasound, electron beam, etc.) - Matteo Mantovani
- Processes of production / machining of products in polymer materials
- Processes of production / machining of products of composite materials
- Processes of powder sintering
- Non-conventional machining processes (laser, plasma, waterjet, chemical and electrochemical , ultrasonic, electrical discharge, etc.)
- Microprocessing (micro-milling, -drilling, -laser, -waterjet, etc.)
- Additive manufacturing processes (3D printing, SLA rapid prototyping, etc.)
- Heat treatments of conventional and not conventional metal alloys
- Treatments of surface modification for metallic materials (thermochemical, conversion, CVD, PVD, electroplating, etc.)
- Surface treatments of chemical and physical functionalization of materials (texturing, SOL-GEL, plasma activation, etc.)
- Cladding
- Reliability and quality of the finished product / process
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Metals: ferrous alloys (steel, cast iron)
- Metals: non-ferrous alloys (aluminum, copper, nickel, titanium, magnesium, etc.)
- Metal matrix composites and nanocomposites
- Corrosion: protection and inhibition
- Thermoplastic polymeric materials
- Thermosetting polymer materials
- Elastomers
- Polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites
- Polymeric nanofibers
- Ultra hard metal-ceramic materials, for anti-wear, anti-corrosion, thermal barrier applications
- Shape memory alloys - Matteo Mantovani
- Paintings
- Ceramic materials (oxides, nitrides, carbides, etc.) - Rodrigo Davalli
- Materials of natural origin and derived (wood, paper, cellulose, fibers, etc.) - Rodrigo Davalli
- Self-lubricating materials - Rodrigo Davalli
- Micro-nano materials functionalized - Rodrigo Davalli
Noise, vibrations, dynamics, NVH
Thermo-fluid dynamics
- Design and architecture of components and systems for turbomachines (turbines, compressors and fans)
- Design and architecture of components and systems for volumetric machines
- Design and architecture of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components and systems for volumetric machines
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments, for fluid power transmission
- Numerical analysis and dynamic simulation of components, systems and equipments for the heat exchange, heating and air conditioning
- Numerical analisys and simulation of systems and machines for thermal management and fluyds in industrial and technological plants
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
Devices and prostheses
- Assessment of the requirements by clinical experts - Matteo Mantovani
- Numerical design of devices - Matteo Mantovani
- Preclinical evaluation of devices by numerical simulations - Matteo Mantovani
- Microscopic/nanoscopic/nanomechanical, mechanical and in vitro functional characterization of the device - Matteo Mantovani
- Topographic and microarchitectural characterization of the biomaterial/device - Matteo Mantovani
- Analysis by means of molecular biology as well as biochemical, immunoenzymatic, histologic, immunohistochemical, biomechanical, radiographic - Matteo Mantovani
- Development of e-care prototype solutions - Matteo Mantovani
- Integration of e-care prototype solutions - Matteo Mantovani
- Testing and benchmarking of e-care prototype solutions - Matteo Mantovani
Personal Health System
- Analysis of (clinical) functional requirements - Matteo Mantovani
- Algorithms for events prediction and classification - Matteo Mantovani
- HW/SW design for resources optimization - Matteo Mantovani
- Users interface design - Matteo Mantovani
- Communication protocol - Matteo Mantovani
- Musculoskeletal modelling - Matteo Mantovani
- Functional validation of prototypes - Matteo Mantovani
- Design of experiments and protocols - Matteo Mantovani
- Ergonomics, neuroergonomics - Matteo Mantovani
- Systems integration: interoperability and synchronization - Matteo Mantovani
- Clinical assessment - Matteo Mantovani
Preclinical studies
- Biomechanical evaluations - Matteo Mantovani
Therapeutic and diagnostic biomedical equipment
- Clinical requirements analysis - Matteo Mantovani
- Therapeutic biomedical equipments: ergonomics - Matteo Mantovani
- Diagnostic biomedical equipments: design of experimental protocols and clinical trials - Matteo Mantovani