Via Emilia Parmense 84 - Piacenza (PC)
Il Centro di Ricerca sulla Biodiversità e sul DNA antico - BioDNA, si occupa dello studio della diversità genetica delle specie vegetali, animali e dei microorganismi e si suddivide in tre Aree di interesse che offrono i seguenti servizi: Biodiversità: Caratterizzazione genetica, stima della biodiversità e ricostruzione della storia evoluzionistica di popolazioni naturali e domestiche di specie animali e vegetali; Analisi del DNA di campioni antichi; Analisi genetiche e bioinformatiche per l’identificazione e la caratterizzazione di geni specifici. Tracciabilità: Rilevamento della presenza di OGM; Analisi del genoma, del proteoma e del metaboloma di prodotti di origine vegetale e animale; Accertamenti molecolari per funghi, batteri, virus, viroidi, fitoplasmi e nematodi agenti causali di malattia su colture vegetali; Studio di protocolli per la quantificazione molecolare del livello di inoculo di specifici patogeni presente in diversi substrati e matrici vegetali ed alimentari; Identificazione morfologica e/o molecolare di organismi animali infestanti in derrate o altri materiali; Filth-test; Verifica della vulnerabilità delle confezioni di prodotti alimentari da parte di insetti. Sicurezza alimentare, qualità dei prodotti e benessere animale: Ricerca e conta dei microrganismi; Colture e conservazione dei microrganismi; Tassonomia microbica con tecniche molecolari; Indicatori fisiologici di benessere (sangue, latte, ecc.); Valutazione del benessere in allevamento (SDIB).

Biodiversità degli ecosistemi, delle specie e genetica
Analisi DNA, delle proteine e metaboliti che possono discriminare i campioni in analisi in base al luogo di origine e genotipizzazione
Ricerca e conta, colture e conservazione dei microrganismi, indicatori di benessere in allevamento
Commesse in ambito agroalimentare (Soremartec Italia S.r.l., Equa s.r.l., Luretta s.r.l.., Terre d’Oltrepo’ Soc. Coop Agr. per Azioni, Consorzio Forestale Terra tra i due Laghi, Consorzio CO.C.I.V. (Collegamenti Integrati Veloci), Italpollina, Azienda Agricola Case Basse di Soldera, Az. Mattiello Chiara Maria, Rivoltini Alimentari Dolciaria s.n.c., Chelab s.r.l., Icam s.p.a., La Pizza +1 s.r.l., IBSA SA, Bioecology srl, Laboratori Vailati srl, Fruttagel scpa, Ferrero Industriale Italia srl) Commesse in ambito zootecnico (Delta Force s.r.l., Pro Tech s.r.l., Consorzio Agrario di Parma, Consorzio Agrario di Cremona, Azienda Agricola Falconara, Mignini & Petrini spa, NPM Tech srl, South Dakota State University; University of Illinois, A.I.A. Agricola Italiana Alimentare, Tredi Italia s.r.l., Diamond V, Oregon State University, Società Agricola Pasquali)
New methods for food quality and safety
- Analytical methods for detection of microbial contamination in food (bacteria, viruses, moulds, yeasts) - Lorenzo Morelli
- OGM detection in food - Adriano Marocco
- Analytical methods for the evaluation of the effects of industrial processing on nutritional value of foods - Adriano Marocco
- Fast and non-destructive spectroscopic methods and chemometrics for food quality evaluation - Lorenzo Morelli
- Analysis of contaminants and allergens in raw materials and finished products, flavour analysis, analysis of simple and complex carbohydrates - Adriano Marocco
- Food safety: analytical methods to evaluate the occurrence of toxic natural substances, process and environmental contaminanst - Adriano Marocco
Functional foods, nutrition and health
- Evaluation of the physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of products - Adriano Marocco
- Set up of in vitro methods and animal models for the evaluation of the health effects of food bioactive components - Lorenzo Morelli
- Biomarker identification to assess the effects of bioactive components in humans - Adriano Marocco
- Effects of industrial processes on the nutritional qualities of foods - Adriano Marocco
Food quality and typical food products
- Physical, chemical, sensorial and microbial characteristics of traditional foods - Adriano Marocco
- Characterization of microbial components, vegetal and animal species - Luigi Bavaresco
- Molecular traceability and chemometrics to define food quality and tipicality - Adriano Marocco
- Proteomics in animal food - Adriano Marocco
- Evaluation of typicality by flavour analysis, markers of authenticity and chemometrics - Adriano Marocco
- Methods to increase functional molecules and decrease undesired contaminants in local food - Adriano Marocco
- Quality optimization of raw material for local product production - Lorenzo Morelli
Food microbiology and microorganisms of industrial interest
- Microbial strain selection for food production: enzymatic, physiological, and genetic characterization - Lorenzo Morelli
- Microbial strain selection: technological characterization - Lorenzo Morelli
- Process and plant optimization for fermented foods - Lorenzo Morelli
- Quality, safety and impact on human health of fermented products containing probiotic microorganisms - Lorenzo Morelli
- Otpimization of fermentation conditions: traceability and authenticity of typical or brand fermented food products - Lorenzo Morelli
- Modulation of microbial growth and shelf-life evaluation as a function of formulation and storage condition - Adriano Marocco
- Microbiological activity in food: risk analysis - Lorenzo Morelli
- Microbial response to environmental stress: optimization of microbial performance - Lorenzo Morelli
- Procedures and optimization of microbiological processes in fermented food and feed - Lorenzo Morelli
- Characterization of products of microbial origin: biomass, metabolites, natural antibiotics. Conversion and transformation processes of food an by-products - Lorenzo Morelli
- Molecular analyses for the identification of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms and the evaluation of their impact on final product, - Lorenzo Morelli
- Innovative strategies for microbial control: the use of natural antimicrobials and thermal treatments - Lorenzo Morelli
- Interaction between food microorganisms and gut microbiota - Lorenzo Morelli
Machinery and plants
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Microbial kinetics during food storage - Lorenzo Morelli
- Analysis of the physical, rheological, chemical, microbial, and sensorial properties during storage - Lorenzo Morelli
- Analytical tests for shelf-life characterization - Lorenzo Morelli
Valorization of food industry byproducts
- Microorganism selection for a particular process - Lorenzo Morelli
- Optimization of fermentation process, study and evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of ingredients, valorisation of ingredients and products - Lorenzo Morelli
- New ingredients, feed, and food formulation - Lorenzo Morelli
- Optimization of fermentation and biotransformation processes - Lorenzo Morelli
Quality of raw materials
- Design of new molecular markers for assisted selection (MAS) for vegetal products - Adriano Marocco
- Production of new vegetal products (populations, lines, new varieties) with peculiar characteristics by marker assisted selection (MAS) - Adriano Marocco
- On-farm rapid methods for quality assessment of dairy and meat products - Lorenzo Morelli
- Determination of the protein variation during product processing (i.e. dairy and meat products) - Adriano Marocco
- Molecular DNA analysis of vegetal materials - Adriano Marocco
- DNA samples: preparations and conservation from vegetal materials and plants - Adriano Marocco
- Chemical and chemo-physical analysis on meat and vegetal products - Lorenzo Morelli
- Kits for the determination of contaminants, pesticides and pathogens in raw materials - Adriano Marocco
- Rapid non-destructive methods for the optimization , characterization, and monitoring of raw material and finished products - Adriano Marocco
- Intruments and services for precision agriculture - Adriano Marocco
Molecular traceability and systems for traceability
- Genetic methods for varietal identification - Luigi Bavaresco
- Methods for the specific and varietal identification based on single components within blends - Luigi Bavaresco
- Design of new molecular markers for traceability of specific varietal components - Luigi Bavaresco
- Food traceability by spectroscopic techniques, NMR, proteomic and peptidomic methods for the identification of ingredients or contaminants - Adriano Marocco
- Food traceability by genetic analysis - Luigi Bavaresco
- Traceability of compositional changes during processing by chemical, biochemical, and genetic analyses - Adriano Marocco
- Food traceability by evaluation of functional components - Adriano Marocco
- Traceability of geographical origin by spettroscopic, proteomic, and genetic analyses - Adriano Marocco
- Varietal DNA fingerprinting and specific DNA fingerprinting analyses - Luigi Bavaresco
- Molecular characterization of DNA, protein, peptides and metabolites - Luigi Bavaresco
- Evaluation of molecular transformations during food processing - Adriano Marocco
- Regulation on GMOs and labelling - Adriano Marocco
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Adriano Marocco
- Composting - Adriano Marocco
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
- Evaluation and characterization of biomass potential (availability, identification and mapping) - Adriano Marocco
- Non-food crops for biomaterials and biofuels production - Adriano Marocco
- Biopolymers and microbial polymers - Lorenzo Morelli
- Anaerobic digestion for materials and energy production - Adriano Marocco
- Conversion technologies for chemicals, materials and energy production (pyrolysis, gassification, fermentation, lignocellulosic treatments) - Lorenzo Morelli
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Adriano Marocco
Ecosystem services
- Soil remediation - Lorenzo Morelli
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Analysis and models for groundwater resources management - Adriano Marocco
- Management and monitoring of water distribution networks - Adriano Marocco