TECNOPOLO DI RAVENNA - Parco Scientifico Tecnologico Torricelli, Via Granarolo 62 - Faenza (RA)
L'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici (ISSMC-CNR) è l'unica struttura di ricerca del CNR, e la più grande operante nel paese, con programmazione poliennale specificamente indirizzata allo studio globale dei materiali ceramici.
Le attività di ISSMC riguardano: ricerca, iniziative di sostegno alla formazione e alla valorizzazione e disseminazione dei risultati. Le attività di ricerca sono indirizzate all'innovazione di materiali e processi in risposta alle emergenti esigenze del comparto industriale, scientifico e culturale, per i vari settori applicativi. Gli argomenti spaziano dallo studio di base, alla caratterizzazione di materie prime e di materiali, allo sviluppo e innovazione di processi di produzione. Scopo degli studi è il controllo di proprietà e prestazioni di dispositivi ceramici tramite il controllo del processo e l'ingegnerizzazione dei materiali per specifiche applicazioni. Attraverso lo sviluppo di nuovi processi, nanotecnologie incluse, vengono ingegnerizzati e sviluppati nuovi materiali e proposte soluzioni per modificare anche prodotti tradizionali e dotarli di nuove funzioni e prestazioni.
I materiali e le competenze offerti fanno riferimento ai settori:
- Applicazioni industriali ad alta tecnologia,
- Aerospazio,
- Funzionalizzazione delle superfici con nanotecnologie ceramiche,
- Biomateriali per la nanomedicina e la rigenerazione dei tessuti,
- Ceramici per Meccatronica, Energia e Ambiente,
- Conservazione e restauro del patrimonio culturale.

ISSMC collabora con industrie dei settori:
- ceramico,
- aerospaziale,
- automotive,
- biomedico,
- chimico,
- meccanico,
- microelettronica,
- edilizia,
- restauro,
- personal care,
- produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili.
Design and development of new products / processes
Manufactur processes
- Processes of production / machining of products of composite materials - Frederic Monteverde
- Processes of powder sintering - Diletta Sciti
- Processes of ceramic materials production / machining (massive, dense / porous, thick films, etc.) - Carmen Galassi
- Additive manufacturing processes (3D printing, SLA rapid prototyping, etc.) - Davide Gardini
- Surface treatments of chemical and physical functionalization of materials (texturing, SOL-GEL, plasma activation, etc.) - Anna Costa
- Processes of recovery and recycling of materials / products - Valentina Medri
- Ceramic materials (oxides, nitrides, carbides, etc.) - Frederic Monteverde
- Ceramic matrix composites and nanocomposites - Frederic Monteverde
- Glass and glass-ceramic materials - Michele Dondi
- Ultra hard metal-ceramic materials, for anti-wear, anti-corrosion, thermal barrier applications - Valentina Medri
- Porous materials (foams, sponges, etc) - Elena Landi
- Piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials - Carmen Galassi
- Micro-nano materials functionalized - Anna Costa
Automation: actuators and robotics
- Piezoelectric actuators - Carmen Galassi
Devices and prostheses
- Microscopic/nanoscopic/nanomechanical, mechanical and in vitro functional characterization of the device - Simone Sprio
- Topographic and microarchitectural characterization of the biomaterial/device - Simone Sprio
- Analysis by means of molecular biology as well as biochemical, immunoenzymatic, histologic, immunohistochemical, biomechanical, radiographic - Monica Montesi
- Evaluation of the bio-safety of medical devices in vitro - Silvia Panseri
Drug delivery
- Formulation for inhalation - Michele Iafisco
- Topical formulations - Sandri Monica
- Injectable formulations based on magnetical, biocompatible and bioresorbable nanoparticles for remote activation on demand - Sandri Monica
- Ceramics or ibrid implantable formulations for controlled release of drugs
- Ibtrid implantable formulation stimuli responsive - Sandri Monica
- Tecnological controls, in vitro and stability tests omn oral formulations - Monica Montesi
- In vitro drug release of nanoparticles and complex scaffolds - Michele Iafisco
- In vitro evaluation of the cell response to drug delivery systems - Monica Montesi
- Mechanical evaluation (elasticity; adhesion in vitro/in vivo) of transdermal drug delivery systems - Simone Sprio
Drug discovery
- Evaluation of the chemical stability - Andrea Ruffini
Preclinical studies
- Test of proliferation, migration, differentiation, adhesion, viability, cell apoptosis - Silvia Panseri
- Quantitative cell morphology test - Silvia Panseri
- Dynamic imaging - Silvia Panseri
- Index of oxidative stress in vitro - Monica Montesi
- Histological and immunohistochemical evaluations - Monica Montesi
- Design and development of scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration
- Design and development of scaffolds for regeneration of hard tissues and ligaments - Sandri Monica
- Design and development of scaffolds for organ regeneration
- Design of protocols for pre-clinical evaluation (in vitro and in vivo) - Silvia Panseri
- Design and development of nanofibrous scaffolds mimicking the extracellular matrix - Sandri Monica
- Development of sinterable polymeric particles - Sandri Monica
- Development of sinterable polymeric particles
- Scaffold functionalization with proteins, drugs and cells - Michele Iafisco
- Tribologic and mechanic characterization of thin films, coatings and biomaterials - Simone Sprio
- Tribologic and mechanic characterization of thin films, coatings and biomaterials
- In vitro mechanical characterization of scaffolds - Simone Sprio
- Chemico-physical-morphological-ultrastructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of the scaffolds - Simone Sprio
- Chemico-physical-morphological-ultrastructural and thermo-mechanical characterization of the scaffolds
- Assessment of the chemical stability and maintenance of the physico-mechanical properties of the scaffolds - Andrea Ruffini
- Biologic evaluation of scaffoldswith 3D cultures in dynamic regime in bioreactor - Silvia Panseri
- Biologic evaluation of scaffoldswith 3D cultures in dynamic regime in bioreactor
Advanced Therapies
Materials and components for high performance building
Restoration of cultural heritage
Ceramics materials traditional, advanced, functionalized and / or with low environmental impact
- RAW MATERIALS: chracterization, properties and quality control - Michele Dondi
- Formulation of RAW MATERIALS MIXTURES - Sabrina Gualtieri
- FUNCTIONALIZATION of ceramic materials - Mariarosa Raimondo
- Development of FORMING TECHNIQUES with innovative solutions - Alessandra Sanson
- Development of APPLICATION TECHNIQUES of functional coatings - Mariarosa Raimondo
- Optimization of THERMAL CYCLES (drying and firing) - Michele Dondi
- PRODUCTS (tiles,bricks, sanitaryware, technical ceramics, advanced ceramics): determination of characteristics, properties and quality control - Michele Dondi
- STUDIES and RESEARCH programm on ceramic materials - Michele Dondi
Monitoring and enhancement of archaeological and paleontological risk areas
- Porosity studies of archaeological materials - Sabrina Gualtieri
- Physical properties materials testing and measurement for the porpouse of their preservation - Michele Macchiarola
Museum design and exhibition design
Diagnostics and conservation (diagnosis, monitoring, fruition) of cultural heritage
- Granulometric, mineralogical and petrochemical analysis for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Michele Macchiarola
- Mineralogical and petrographic analysis in laboratory - Sabrina Gualtieri
- Chemical analysis of soluble salts and identification of degradation product for the valorization and conservation of cultural heritage - Sabrina Gualtieri
- Chemical Analysis of trace and ultra-trace elements for ARTEFACTS CHARACTERIZATION, and of materials for treatment and restoration - Sabrina Gualtieri
- Optical and electronic microscopy of buildings and cultural heritage - Michele Macchiarola
- MICROANALYSIS with the portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer - Sabrina Gualtieri
- Analysis of the porosity and of the effects of consolidation - Michele Macchiarola
Materials and components for renewable solar sources
- MATERIALS DATABASE and performance for solar and photovoltaic installations - Alessandra Sanson
- Functionalization (collection) of thermal and photovoltaic panels - Alessandra Sanson
Enhancement of cultural heritage and exhibition forms
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Characterization techniques and pretreatments - Valentina Medri
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Valentina Medri
- Waste-to-energy - Francesco Miccio
- Technologies for critical raw materials substitution - Alessandra Sanson
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Solar PV - Alessandra Sanson
- Solar thermic and concentrators - Diletta Sciti
- Storage systems - Alessandra Sanson
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Elena Landi
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Francesco Miccio
- Cogeneration and microcogeneration systems - Francesco Miccio
Energy efficiency
- Energy efficiency in residential and public buildings - Alessandra Sanson
- Energy efficiency in industrial processes and buildings - Alessandra Sanson
Ecosystem services
- Soil remediation - Alessandra Sanson
Technologies for the management of water resources
Sustainable mobility
- Alternative fuels and distribution networks - Alessandra Sanson