A collection of case histories of successful collaborations between High Technology Network Laboratories and businesses. These are tangible and customisable examples of the application of new technologies, products, or services that show how industrial research can meet the needs of innovation.

Results: 9

Plant for decontamination and oxidation of wastewater from analytical laboratories

Neutralize your laboratory waste

The 100L prototype plant realized (upscalable at 150L) allows the neutralization of liquid waste products of the analysis laboratories and verification of the treatment before the final discharge into the sewer. It can be installed at the...

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HPSolar - High Performance Solar Decontamination

Hydrogen producing water decontamination system

The project has realized solar demonstrators that combine the decontamination of water containing organic substances to the conversion of solar energy into hydrogen. The production of hydrogen represents in this way an added value to the proposal of...

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Life Cycle Environmental impact assessment

Designing environmental sustainability: a viable option

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology that assesses a set of interactions a product or service has with the environment, considering its entire life cycle including the stages of preproduction (therefore also materials extraction and...

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Diagnostic imaging protocol applied to paintings

Science to analyse Works of Art

Scientific diagnostics is an important tool to improve the interpretation and knowledge of a work of art, allowing its evolution over time to be documented and monitored and any restoration work to be scheduled. It is obviously important in this...

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Application of the RFID tag technology to manage naturalistic museum collections

Museal Human Centered RFID Technology and Design

TekneHub - Laboratory of the Ferrara Tecnopolo, in collaboration with the company Techsigno S.r.l., has tested and assessed the application of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology to naturalistic collections. To date, the RFID technology...

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TECNOLATER - Flexible pilot laboratory for the development of new construction materials

Innovative clay product laboratory

The main objective of TECNOLATER was setting up a pilot laboratory at Sacmi's facilities, for the study and the development of flexible technologies to produce new construction materials. A research structure was set up to study innovative brick...

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Optimisation of drinking water purification processes

Drinking water, with no chemicals added and with remotely manageable systems

The electrochemical approach to water purification is based on the application of an electrical current, therefore the process is remotely controllable and neither personnel intervention nor the use of chemicals are required. The current disinfection...

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LABSIII - Integrated Envelope Facility Systems Laboratory

Roofing systems with integrated RES

Among the various technological units the building system consists of, the roof features shows the greatest complexity: it is the part most exposed to weather aggression and where a number or functions or terminations may converge. Research...

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Environmental assessment of livestock production systems

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of livestock sectors (buffaloes, pigs, dairy cows)

The application of the Life Cycle Analysis methodology (LCA) to Italian livestock sectors, enables analyzing the potential environmental impacts arising from farm production systems. The Life Cycle Assessment method has been standardised by ISO...

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