Via Luigi Borsari 46 - Ferrara (FE)
La mission del Laboratorio Terra&AcquaTech è quella di proporre e sviluppare soluzioni innovative soluzioni di prodotto e di processo per i settori, agrifood, pesca e acquacoltura, ambientale e di green economy, in grado di minimizzare l’impiego di risorse (materie prime e fonti energetiche), di ridurre gli scarti anche attraverso la loro trasformazione in un’ottica di economia circolare e di rendere più efficienti e sostenibili processi di interesse industriale, di remediation, e di gestione delle risorse.
I ricercatori provengono da varie discipline (biologia, chimica, geologia, fisica, ingegneria) e mettono a disposizione le loro competenze per offrire alle imprese soluzioni sostenibili, tutelare il territorio, l’ambiente e affrontare le sfide del cambiamento climatico e della gestione sostenibile delle risorse naturali.

Qualità delle acque
Risorse idriche, geochimica ambientale e geomateriali
Gestione dei sistemi idrici e ingegneria sanitaria e ambientale
Metallurgia, corrosione, materiali polimerici
Strategie chimiche innovative per la valorizzazione agroambientale
Gestione sostenibile e valorizzazione degli ecosistemi agrari ed acquatici
Recupero e valorizzazione sostenibile delle biomasse
Sensoristica ambientale
Gruppo Hera, F.lli Zucchini, Naturedulis, Henkel, Caviro, CADF, Biological Care, Horta srl, Mutti Spa, Acquevenete, Biogard, ARPAE, Conserve Italia, Aziende Agricole, Aziende del settore dell'acquacoltura
New methods for food quality and safety
- Food safety: analytical methods to evaluate the occurrence of toxic natural substances, process and environmental contaminanst - Luisa Pasti
- Analytical methods for detection of allergens of vegetal origin and hidden allergens in food products - Alberto Cavazzini
- Analytical methods for the evaluation of the effects of industrial processing on nutritional value of foods - Annalisa Maietti
- Fast and non-destructive spectroscopic methods and chemometrics for food quality evaluation - Luisa Pasti
- Extraction and analytical methods for nutrients and functional elements - Gianni Sacchetti
- Tailor made chemical analysis to assess the nutritional value of functional foods - Nicola Marchetti
- Analysis of contaminants and allergens in raw materials and finished products, flavour analysis, analysis of simple and complex carbohydrates - Valentina Costa
Functional foods, nutrition and health
- Optimization of raw material selection for food processing/products - Stefano Manfredini
- Functional compounds characterization from raw materials, ingredients, food and food industry left-overs - Annalisa Maietti
- Extraction of bioactive components from food waste (polyphenols, omega3 and omega6 fatty acids) - Nicola Marchetti
- Evaluation of the interactions between food matrix and bioactive components - Annalisa Maietti
- Evaluation of the physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of products - Alessandra Guerrini
- Preparation of the nutritional/health claims application - Nicola Marchetti
- Packaging, designing and testing: shelf-life evaluation of food products and bioactive components - Monica Bertoldo
- Selection of nutritional/health claims according to EU Regulation - Annalisa Maietti
Food quality and typical food products
- Quality characterization of local products by HR-NMR e solid phase NMR - Alessandro Massi
- Characterization of the composition of food products - Alberto Cavazzini
- Methods to increase functional molecules and decrease undesired contaminants in local food - Nicola Marchetti
Food microbiology and microorganisms of industrial interest
Machinery and plants
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Definition of product specifications and analytical methods of verification - Valentina Costa
- Monitoring of chemical, physical, and biochemical characteristics (enzymatic activity and kinetics) during storage - Alessandro Massi
- Non-conventional thermal and non-thermal technologies for product stabilization, extraction, and conservation - Annalisa Maietti
- Optimization of processing conditions by desing of experiments (DoE) for product development - Luisa Pasti
Valorization of food industry byproducts
- Design of exnzymatic processes for transformations or bioconversions: ptimization of the processing conditions and characterization of the product - Pier Paolo Giovannini
- Optimization of fermentation process, study and evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of ingredients, valorisation of ingredients and products - Pier Paolo Giovannini
- New ingredients, feed, and food formulation - Alessandra Guerrini
- Biorefinery for the exploitation and valorisation of by products and waste from agrofood and feed industry - Alberto Cavazzini
- Optimization of fermentation and biotransformation processes - Pier Paolo Giovannini
- Evaluation of the functional properties of ingredients and new product formulation - Stefano Manfredini
Quality of raw materials
- Kits for the determination of contaminants, pesticides and pathogens in raw materials - Annalisa Maietti
- Rapid non-destructive methods for the optimization , characterization, and monitoring of raw material and finished products - Luisa Pasti
- Transformation potential of oenological raw materials (grape, musts, etc.) - Gianni Sacchetti
- Analysis of grape, fruits and food processing left-overs - Gianni Sacchetti
- Chemical and chemo-physical analysis on meat and vegetal products - Alberto Cavazzini
- Varietal comparison of wheat and rice collections - Annalisa Maietti
- Intruments and services for precision agriculture
- Shelf-life evaluation and study of the interaction packaging-product - Monica Bertoldo
- Effect of migration from packaging to food and vice-versa: analysis and study - Valentina Costa
- Analysis of possible reuse and recycle of packaging materials - Monica Bertoldo
- Optimized methods for homologation of packaging from recycled materials - Andrea Balbo
- Chemical analyses for food quality and safety (off-flavours, plasticizers) - Valentina Costa
- Quality control: use of control sheets to set up new packaging technologies and process monitoring - Valentina Costa
- New materials to reduce environment impact - Andrea Balbo
- New material and technique study for bio- and eco-compatible packaging films - Andrea Balbo
Molecular traceability and systems for traceability
- Methods for the specific and varietal identification based on single components within blends - Annalisa Maietti
- Food traceability by spectroscopic techniques, NMR, proteomic and peptidomic methods for the identification of ingredients or contaminants - Nicola Marchetti
- Traceability of compositional changes during processing by chemical, biochemical, and genetic analyses - Annalisa Maietti
- Food traceability by evaluation of functional components - Annalisa Maietti
- Traceability of geographical origin by spettroscopic, proteomic, and genetic analyses - Alberto Cavazzini
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Characterization techniques and pretreatments - Andrea Balbo
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Massimo Coltorti
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
- Anaerobic digestion for materials and energy production - Pier Paolo Giovannini
- Conversion technologies for chemicals, materials and energy production (pyrolysis, gassification, fermentation, lignocellulosic treatments) - Alessandro Massi
- Biomethane upgrading - Pier Paolo Giovannini
Sustainable Energy: technologies and production systems
- Solar PV - Donato Vincenzi
- Solar thermic and concentrators - Donato Vincenzi
- Geothermal plants - Massimo Coltorti
- Energy systems integration - Donato Vincenzi
- CO2 capture and storage technologies - Annalisa Martucci
Energy efficiency
- Lighting systems - Donato Vincenzi
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Environmental impact analysis (SIA) and integrated environmental authorization (AIA) of plants and sites - Paola Verlicchi
- Risk Analysis - Valentina Costa
Ecosystem services
- Low cost chemical and physical parameters measurement systems - Alberto Cavazzini
- Remote sensing measurement systems - Alberto Cavazzini
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - Valentina Costa
- Integrated monitoring of terrestrial, marine, and transitional ecosystems - Giuseppe Castaldelli
- Soil remediation - Carmela Vaccaro
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Analysis and models for groundwater resources management - Massimo Coltorti
- Bioindicators and microbiological water analysis - Giuseppe Castaldelli
- Water savings (loss reduction, geolocalization of leackages) - Stefano Alvisi
- Management and monitoring of water distribution networks - Stefano Alvisi
- Technologies for water reuse in productive cycles (process water, rain water, grey water, treated wastewater) - Luisa Pasti
- Remediation technologies (Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), adsorption, phytoremedation) - Luisa Pasti
- Urban, industrial and sanitary water treatment plants - Paola Verlicchi
Sustainable mobility
- Air quality modeling - Maria Chiara Pietrogrande