Viale Tanara 31/A - Parma (PR)
SSICA, Stazione Sperimentale per l’Industria delle Conserve Alimentari, Fondazione Nazionale per la Ricerca Internazionale, svolge attività di ricerca fondamentale, applicata e di sviluppo sperimentale, di presidio tecnologico, di analisi e consulenze, di trasferimento dei risultati, di formazione e altre attività correlate, in favore delle aziende che operano nel settore conserviero dell’agroalimentare.
La SSICA opera sul territorio nazionale attraverso la sede in Parma e la sezione di Angri (SA).
- Fondamentale, industriale e di sviluppo sperimentale con ricaduta diretta sul settore agro-alimentare
- Commissionata dalle imprese o dalle Associazioni di categoria
- Partecipazione a progetti di ricerca nazionale e internazionale
Assistenza alle aziende:
- Supporto tecnologico e normo-tecnico, sia presso SSICA sia presso le aziende
- Analisi, controllo e sperimentazione di prodotti, imballaggi, processi e nuove tecnologie, metrologia
- Progettazione di nuovi prodotti/formulati e/o aggiornamento degli esistenti
- Test di mercato, analisi sensoriale, consumer science, studi di shelf life
- Supporto all’ottimizzazione e al miglioramento di processi produttivi
- Trasferimento di conoscenze tecnologiche per il miglioramento della capacità di sviluppo innovativo, sicurezza e sostenibilità delle produzioni
- Supporto per l’adozione e il monitoraggio delle migliori condizioni d’igiene e sicurezza
- Supporto alla difesa delle produzioni tipiche
- Divulgazione scientifica.
Mare e conserve ittiche
Conserve animali
Sostenibilità e valorizzazione
Conserve vegetali
Qualità, sicurezza e preindustrializzazione
Marketing, consumer e servizi con le aziende
Aziende del settore delle conserve di carne, ittiche e vegetali nonchè delle imprese dei settori collegati (produttori di materie prime di origine animale, ittica e vegetale, fornitori di materiale di confezionamento, additivi e ingredienti, fornitori di servizi e industrie di impiantistica).
New methods for food quality and safety
- Analytical methods for the detection of nanoparticles (metal nanoparticles, nanofibres and nanocapsules) in raw materials and finished products
- Analytical methods for the evaluation of the effects of industrial processing on nutritional value of foods - Luca Sandei
- Fast and non-destructive spectroscopic methods and chemometrics for food quality evaluation - Roberta Virgili
- Extraction and analytical methods for nutrients and functional elements - Roberta Virgili
- Food decontamination and enzyme deactivation: high pressure homogenization, gas-plasma, pulsed electric fields
- Tailor made chemical analysis to assess the nutritional value of functional foods - Luca Sandei
- Analysis of contaminants and allergens in raw materials and finished products, flavour analysis, analysis of simple and complex carbohydrates - Anna Sannino
- Colour analysis with destroing and non-destroying techniques - Roberta Virgili
Functional foods, nutrition and health
- Optimization of raw material selection for food processing/products - Roberta Virgili
- Evaluation of the interactions between food matrix and bioactive components - Roberta Virgili
- Evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of food bioactive components and related food - Giovanna Poli
- Evaluation of the physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of products - Luca Sandei
- Packaging, designing and testing: choice of the proper materials for the desired product - Chiara Zurlini
- Packaging, designing and testing: shelf-life evaluation of food products and bioactive components - Chiara Zurlini
- Effects of industrial processes on the nutritional qualities of foods - Roberta Virgili
- Selection of nutritional/health claims according to EU Regulation
- Market survey and consumer trends towards functional foods - Giovanna Poli
Food quality and typical food products
- Molecular traceability and chemometrics to define food quality and tipicality
- Panel test evaluation and sensorial analysis of local food - Giovanna Poli
- Characterization of the composition of food products - Luca Sandei
- Methods to increase functional molecules and decrease undesired contaminants in local food - Roberta Virgili
- Modification of technological processese to improve quality of local products - Roberta Virgili
- Sensorial analysis of food products to assess the effects of process or raw material modification - Giovanna Poli
- Consumer science - Giovanna Poli
Food microbiology and microorganisms of industrial interest
- Microbial strain selection for food production: enzymatic, physiological, and genetic characterization - Massimo Cigarini
- Microbial strain selection: technological characterization - Massimo Cigarini
- Otpimization of fermentation conditions: traceability and authenticity of typical or brand fermented food products - Massimo Cigarini
- Modulation of microbial growth and shelf-life evaluation as a function of formulation and storage condition - Massimo Cigarini
- Procedures and optimization of microbiological processes in fermented food and feed - Massimo Cigarini
- Predictive microbiology for shelf-life prevision, for food safety and for innovative products. - Massimo Cigarini
- Combined stabilization strategies to enhance shelf-life and food safety - Massimo Cigarini
- Molecular analyses for the identification of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms and the evaluation of their impact on final product, - Massimo Cigarini
- Optimization of traditional stabilizing treatment to improve food quality - Luca Sandei
- Innovative strategies for microbial control: the use of natural antimicrobials and thermal treatments - Massimo Cigarini
- Effects of packaging on the evolution of food microbial population - Massimo Cigarini
- Microbial analysis, challenge tests, instrumental analyses - Massimo Cigarini
Machinery and plants
- Experimental trials for new materials, making technology and plant design in order to cut investment, management, maintenance of machines and plants for the food industry
- Thermal exchange enhancement
- Fluidodinamic simulation of components and circuit
- Mechanical testing on construction materials
- Scanning Electron Microscopy + chemical analysis of materials (SEM/ESEM+EDX) - Chiara Zurlini
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Definition of product specifications and analytical methods of verification - Luca Sandei
- Production flow chart, raw material HACCP and QFD, formulation, packaging and conservation conditions
- Monitoring of chemical, physical, and biochemical characteristics (enzymatic activity and kinetics) during storage
- On-line product control feasibility for process optimization
- Non-conventional thermal and non-thermal technologies for product stabilization, extraction, and conservation - Luca Sandei
- Operator practical training for process control and lab tests
- Training on regulations, legal requirement, guidelines, best practices
- Optimization of processing conditions by desing of experiments (DoE) for product development - Giovanna Poli
Valorization of food industry byproducts
- Design of exnzymatic processes for transformations or bioconversions: ptimization of the processing conditions and characterization of the product
- Optimization of fermentation process, study and evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of ingredients, valorisation of ingredients and products
- Support in industrial scaling-up processing - Andrea Brutti
- Optimization of fermentation and biotransformation processes - Davide Imperiale
- Evaluation of the functional properties of ingredients and new product formulation - Luca Sandei
- Biorefinery for the exploitation and valorisation of by products and waste from agrofood and feed industry - Davide Imperiale
Quality of raw materials
- Technological strategies for the imporvement of organoleptic and nutritional properties of raw materials strategies - Giovanna Poli
- Analysis of chemical compositions and qualitative characteristics of lipid fractions of pig carcasses and thighs - Roberta Virgili
- On-farm rapid methods for quality assessment of dairy and meat products - Roberta Virgili
- Rapid non-destructive methods for the optimization , characterization, and monitoring of raw material and finished products - Roberta Virgili
- Determination of the protein variation during product processing (i.e. dairy and meat products) - Roberta Virgili
- Analysis of grape, fruits and food processing left-overs - Luca Sandei
- Chemical and chemo-physical analysis on meat and vegetal products
- Gas permeability reduction in packaging materials - Chiara Zurlini
- Packaging innovation to enhance food shelf-life - Chiara Zurlini
- Shelf-life evaluation and study of the interaction packaging-product - Chiara Zurlini
- Effect of migration from packaging to food and vice-versa: analysis and study - Chiara Zurlini
- Analysis of possible reuse and recycle of packaging materials - Davide Imperiale
- Contamination analysis of pre- and post-extrusion recycled material - Chiara Zurlini
- Development of new active and intelligent packaging - Chiara Zurlini
- Study of light transmission in packaging with UV absorber - Chiara Zurlini
- Study of superficial films with antimicrobial activity - Chiara Zurlini
- Property enhancement of innovative biodegradable materials
- Evaluation of packaging mechanical resistance with numeric simulation and experimental trials - Chiara Zurlini
- Study of modified atmosphere packaging - Chiara Zurlini
- Chemical analyses for food quality and safety (off-flavours, plasticizers) - Anna Sannino
- Evaluation of microorganism development on raw materials and packaged foods - Paola Mutti
- Sustainable packaging - Davide Imperiale
- Life cycle assessment for food packaging - Roberta Virgili
- New materials to reduce environment impact - Chiara Zurlini
- New material and technique study for bio- and eco-compatible packaging films
- Sterilizing, rinsing and filling under controlled contamination for food liquids
- Assessment of the environmental impact (LCA) of one or more packagings
- Specific migration analysis of one or more packagings - Anna Sannino
- Global migration analysis of one or more packagings - Chiara Zurlini
- Mechanical tests on packaging and packaging materials - Chiara Zurlini
- Consultation for techniques of Design of experiments (DoE)
- Studies on packaging permeability to gases (O2) and water vapour - Chiara Zurlini
- Trails for sterilizing, rinsing and filling for food liquids - Paola Mutti
- Film thermoformation and food packaging in modified atmosphere - Chiara Zurlini
- Training courses for packaging experts - Chiara Zurlini
- Characterization of polymeric material by differential scanning calorimetry and NMR - Chiara Zurlini
- Analysis of packaging regulations - Chiara Zurlini
Molecular traceability and systems for traceability
- Methods for the specific and varietal identification based on single components within blends - Roberta Virgili
- Food traceability by spectroscopic techniques, NMR, proteomic and peptidomic methods for the identification of ingredients or contaminants
- Food traceability by genetic analysis - Roberta Virgili
- Traceability of geographical origin by spettroscopic, proteomic, and genetic analyses - Luca Sandei
- Varietal DNA fingerprinting and specific DNA fingerprinting analyses - Roberta Virgili
- Analysis of standards and regulations: laws and guidelines for protected, biological raw material, and processing - Roberta Virgili
Industrial symbiosis: use, reuse, valorization and material substitution
- Characterization techniques and pretreatments - Davide Imperiale
- Waste management and valorization technologies - Davide Imperiale
- Composting - Davide Imperiale
Biotechnology for the production of chemicals, materials and energy
- Evaluation and characterization of biomass potential (availability, identification and mapping) - Davide Imperiale
- Non-food crops for biomaterials and biofuels production - Davide Imperiale
- Marine and microalgal biotechnologies - Davide Imperiale
- Anaerobic digestion for materials and energy production - Davide Imperiale
- Conversion technologies for chemicals, materials and energy production (pyrolysis, gassification, fermentation, lignocellulosic treatments) - Davide Imperiale
- Upgrading and scale up processes - Davide Imperiale
- Biomethane upgrading - Davide Imperiale
Tools and methods for sustainability
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Davide Imperiale
Ecosystem services
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - Davide Imperiale
- Evaluation of immunological plant response, genetics and plant physiology - Davide Imperiale
- Soil remediation - Davide Imperiale
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Technologies for water reuse in productive cycles (process water, rain water, grey water, treated wastewater) - Davide Imperiale
- Remediation technologies (Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP), adsorption, phytoremedation) - Davide Imperiale
- Urban, industrial and sanitary water treatment plants - Davide Imperiale