Via Università 4 - Modena (MO)
TECNOPOLO DI REGGIO EMILIA - Capannone 19 Area Ex Officine Reggiane - Piazzale Europa 1 - Reggio Emilia (RE)
BIOGEST – SITEIA, nasce nel 2010 nell’ambito del progetto Tecnopoli, per creare una rete di infrastrutture dedicate in grado di svolgere attività di ricerca industriale, innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico. Fa parte della Rete Alta Tecnologia della Regione Emilia- Romagna ed è accreditato dalla Regione dal 31/12/2014. Come parte integrante del sistema regionale della ricerca industriale e dell’innovazione, il laboratorio ha aderito alle Associazioni Clust-ER AGRIFOOD Agroalimentare e GREENTECH Energia e Sviluppo Sostenibile al fine di condividere idee, competenze, strumenti e risorse per sostenere la competitività dei sistemi produttivi più rilevanti dell’Emilia-Romagna.
BIOGEST – SITEIA risponde alle esigenze delle imprese del settore agroalimentare mettendo a disposizione innovazione e know-how scaturito da attività di ricerca effettuata in base a contratti o convenzioni, o svolta in collaborazione con esse e con enti pubblici. La multidisciplinarietà delle competenze e la stretta connessione con altri laboratori della Rete Alta Tecnologia e partner industriali copre tutta la filiera agroalimentare in ottica "from farm to fork": dalla produzione e valutazione della qualità delle materie prime al controllo, sicurezza e tracciabilità dei prodotti finiti, includendo anche la valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti e degli scarti. In quest’ultimo ambito è centrale la promozione di uno sviluppo sostenibile, efficiente e capace di gestire e valorizzare in modo razionale le risorse.
Scienze e tecnologie degli alimenti
Scienze, tecnologie e protezione delle materie prime
Valorizzazione sottoprodotti e scarti
Acetaia Cremonini Srl Spilamberto (MO)
APOFRUIT Italia soc. coop. Agricola (FC)
Bioecology S.r.l. Cavriago (RE)
Cantine Riunite & Civ - Campegine (RE)
Cantina Sociale San Martino in Rio - San Martino in Rio (RE)
Emilia Wine S.C.A. - Scandiano (RE)
CLAI cooperativa Imola (BO)
Columbus Srl, (PR)
Consorzio del Parmigiano Reggiano (RE)
Consorzio Fitosanitario Provinciale di Modena (MO)
Coopbox Group Spa Bibbiano (RE)
Department of Agriculture of AUSTRALIA
Diemme Enologia S.p.A. - Lugo (RA)
Elegen Scandiano (RE)
Air Liquide Italia Spa - Milano
Ferrero Trading Lux S.A. Senningerberg, (Luxembourg)
Gruppo Cevico Soc. Coop Agricola - Lugo (RA)
Caviro SCA - Faenza (RA)
Litokol, Rubiera (RE)
New Horizont Canary Bugs SL Gran Canaria (Spagna)
Newlat Food S.p.a. (RE
O.P.A.S. Soc. Coop. Agr. San Giorgio Bigarello (MN)/Carpi (MO)
RGN Srl (RE)
SO.G.I.S. Industria Chimica SpA (CR)
Soremartec Italia S.R.L. Alba (CN)
Zespri Group Limited (Nuova Zelanda)
New methods for food quality and safety
- Colour analysis with destroing and non-destroying techniques - Alessandro Ulrici
- Analysis of contaminants and allergens in raw materials and finished products, flavour analysis, analysis of simple and complex carbohydrates - Andrea Antonelli
- Fast and non-destructive spectroscopic methods and chemometrics for food quality evaluation - Alessandro Ulrici
Food quality and typical food products
- Physical, chemical, sensorial and microbial characteristics of traditional foods - Andrea Antonelli
- Panel test evaluation and sensorial analysis of local food - Francesca Masino
- Evaluation of typicality by flavour analysis, markers of authenticity and chemometrics - Andrea Antonelli
- Quality optimization of raw material for local product production - Andrea Antonelli
- Sensorial analysis of food products to assess the effects of process or raw material modification - Francesca Masino
- Characterization of the composition of food products - Francesca Masino
- Consumer science - Francesca Masino
- Methods to increase functional molecules and decrease undesired contaminants in local food - Giuseppe Montevecchi
- Modification of technological processese to improve quality of local products - Giuseppe Montevecchi
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Definition of product specifications and analytical methods of verification - Fabio Licciardello
- Lab trails and scale-up to pilot plants of experimental production diagrams; check of the physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics - Patrizia Fava
- Monitoring of chemical, physical, and biochemical characteristics (enzymatic activity and kinetics) during storage - Fabio Licciardello
- Experimental studies of formulations and processes: use of bioactive components from out-streams or by-products - Elisabetta Sgarbi
- Analysis of the physical, rheological, chemical, microbial, and sensorial properties during storage - Francesca Masino
- Analytical tests for shelf-life characterization - Patrizia Fava
- Design of experiment (DoE) and Food Design to study interaction between formulation and process conditions - Alessandro Ulrici
- Input-output correlations to assess operational parameters - Alessandro Ulrici
- Statistical control of the process - Alessandro Ulrici
- Optimization of processing conditions by desing of experiments (DoE) for product development - Alessandro Ulrici
Valorization of food industry byproducts
- Optimization of fermentation process, study and evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of ingredients, valorisation of ingredients and products - Andrea Antonelli
- New ingredients, feed, and food formulation - Andrea Antonelli
- Biorefinery for the exploitation and valorisation of by products and waste from agrofood and feed industry - Andrea Antonelli
- Support in industrial scaling-up processing - Giuseppe Montevecchi
- Evaluation of the functional properties of ingredients and new product formulation - Giuseppe Montevecchi
Quality of raw materials
- Technological strategies for the imporvement of organoleptic and nutritional properties of raw materials strategies - Elisabetta Sgarbi
- Rapid non-destructive methods for the optimization , characterization, and monitoring of raw material and finished products - Alessandro Ulrici
- Transformation potential of oenological raw materials (grape, musts, etc.) - Andrea Antonelli
- Analysis of grape, fruits and food processing left-overs - Andrea Antonelli
- Molecular DNA analysis of vegetal materials - Enrico Francia
- Chemical and chemo-physical analysis on meat and vegetal products - Andrea Antonelli
- Production of new vegetal products (populations, lines, new varieties) with peculiar characteristics by marker assisted selection (MAS) - Enrico Francia
- Design of new molecular markers for assisted selection (MAS) for vegetal products - Enrico Francia
- DNA samples: preparations and conservation from vegetal materials and plants - Enrico Francia
- Varietal comparison of wheat and rice collections - Enrico Francia
- Intruments and services for precision agriculture - Francesco Reyes
- Gas permeability reduction in packaging materials - Patrizia Fava
- Packaging innovation to enhance food shelf-life - Patrizia Fava
- Shelf-life evaluation and study of the interaction packaging-product - Patrizia Fava
- Effect of migration from packaging to food and vice-versa: analysis and study - Patrizia Fava
- Development of new active and intelligent packaging - Patrizia Fava
- Studies on packaging permeability to gases (O2) and water vapour - Patrizia Fava
- Quality control: use of control sheets to set up new packaging technologies and process monitoring - Alessandro Ulrici
- Consultation for techniques of Design of experiments (DoE) - Alessandro Ulrici
Functional foods, nutrition and health
- Mathematical modelling for product/process optimization - Alessandro Ulrici
- Evaluation of the physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of products - Alessandro Ulrici
- Extraction of bioactive components from food waste (polyphenols, omega3 and omega6 fatty acids) - Francesca Masino
- Optimization of raw material selection for food processing/products - Giuseppe Montevecchi
- Functional compounds characterization from raw materials, ingredients, food and food industry left-overs - Giuseppe Montevecchi
- Evaluation of the interactions between food matrix and bioactive components - Giuseppe Montevecchi
- Effects of industrial processes on the nutritional qualities of foods - Giuseppe Montevecchi
Molecular traceability and systems for traceability
- Food traceability by spectroscopic techniques, NMR, proteomic and peptidomic methods for the identification of ingredients or contaminants - Alessandro Ulrici
- Traceability of geographical origin by spettroscopic, proteomic, and genetic analyses - Alessandro Ulrici
- Genetic methods for varietal identification - Enrico Francia
- Methods for the specific and varietal identification based on single components within blends - Enrico Francia
- Design of new molecular markers for traceability of specific varietal components - Enrico Francia
- Food traceability by genetic analysis - Enrico Francia
- Varietal DNA fingerprinting and specific DNA fingerprinting analyses - Enrico Francia
Electronics devices and Component
- Measurement instruments and systems - Francesco Reyes
- Sensors - Francesco Reyes
Ecosystem services
- Climate adaptation plans and strategies - Francesco Reyes
- Remote sensing measurement systems - Francesco Reyes
- Indoor and outdoor monitoring systems - Francesco Reyes
- Integrated monitoring of terrestrial, marine, and transitional ecosystems - Francesco Reyes
Technologies for the management of water resources
- Analysis and models for groundwater resources management - Francesco Reyes