TECNOPOLO DI FORLÌ-CESENA, Via Quinto Bucci 336 - Cesena (FC)
Il Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale Agroalimentare dell’Università di Bologna svolge e coordina attività di ricerca e formazione professionale, rivolte a potenziare i rapporti con l’industria ed operare il trasferimento tecnologico per rispondere alle esigenze del mondo produttivo.
La mission del Centro è offrire alle imprese soluzioni di prodotto e di processo che assicurino solidità e sostenibilità economica, ambientale e sociale, sviluppate secondo un approccio integrato e livelli di competenza scientifica e tecnologica elevata. Le linee di innovazione si sviluppano a partire dalle cinque articolazioni di ricerca in cui è strutturato il Centro, definite anche unità operative. Le unità interessano trasversalmente tutte le filiere produttive (carni e prodotti trasformati - prodotti lattiero caseari - grassi alimentari - prodotti ittici - ovoprodotti - mangimi - fertilizzanti - fitoprodotti - bevande e vino – cereali e prodotti da forno - ortofrutta e prodotti trasformati - integratori alimentari) di cui il Centro si occupa. Il CIRI-AGRO dispone di strumentazione di qualità e affidabilità dei risultati conforme ai più alti standard raggiunti dalla ricerca nel settore e sviluppa metodiche e protocolli analitici in grado di rispondere alle specifiche esigenze delle imprese.
Sicurezza e autenticità
Produzione primaria sostenibile
Qualità, nutrizione e salute
Processi e prodotti alimentari
Consumo e mercati
Aziende del settore del trattamento rifiuti e produzione fertilizzanti (settore chimico)
Aziende del settore della produzione e valorizzazione delle microalghe
Aziende del settore della valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti della filiera vitivinicola
Aziende del settore zootecnico ed in particolare produzione e trasformazione delle carni avicole
Aziende del settore delle conserve alimentari
Aziende del settore della produzione di pasta fresca, prodotti da forno, derivati del pane e della farina, dolciumi
Aziende del settore della produzione e trasformazione di carne di suino e della produzione di salumi
Aziende del settore della produzione di prodotti da forno dolci e salati
Aziende del settore della trasformazione e commercializzazione di prodotti ortofrutticoli
Aziende del settore della ricerca e sviluppo nel campo dell’applicazione della tecnologia dell’elettroradiazione nei processi industriali
Aziende del settore della ristorazione
Aziende del settore della produzione di omogenizzatori
Aziende del settore della commercializzazione e trasformazione industriale delle patate
Aziende del settore delle bevande (acque minerali, aperitivi analcolici, bibite analcoliche)
Aziende del settore del commercio e produzione di prodotti ittici freschi, trasformati e congelati
Design and development of new products / processes
Manufactur processes
Maintenance and diagnostics
- Thermography - Luigi Ragni
Noise, vibrations, dynamics, NVH
Thermo-fluid dynamics
Modeling of physical systems and simulation
- Non-parametric modeling (neural networks, etc.) - Chiara Cevoli
- Finite element simulation (FEM) - Chiara Cevoli
New methods for food quality and safety
- High resolution and solid phase nuclear magnetic resonance to assess food composition - Francesco Capozzi
- Analytical methods for detection of microbial contamination in food (bacteria, viruses, moulds, yeasts) - Lucia Vannini
- Food safety: analytical methods to evaluate the occurrence of toxic natural substances, process and environmental contaminanst - Giulia Andreani
- Phase and state transition analysis in fresh, packaged or processed food - Pietro Rocculi
- Colour analysis with destroing and non-destroying techniques - Pietro Rocculi
- Analytical methods for the evaluation of the effects of industrial processing on nutritional value of foods - Federica Pasini
- Fast and non-destructive spectroscopic methods and chemometrics for food quality evaluation - Chiara Cevoli
- Characterization of soluble fibre in functional food - Maria Caboni
- Food decontamination and enzyme deactivation: high pressure homogenization, gas-plasma, pulsed electric fields - Pietro Rocculi
- Tailor made chemical analysis to assess the nutritional value of functional foods - Gloria Isani
Functional foods, nutrition and health
- Mathematical modelling for product/process optimization - Angelo Fabbri
- Optimization of raw material selection for food processing/products - Massimiliano Petracci
- Functional compounds characterization from raw materials, ingredients, food and food industry left-overs - Alessandra Bordoni
- Extraction of bioactive components from food waste (polyphenols, omega3 and omega6 fatty acids) - Alessandra Bendini
- Evaluation of the interactions between food matrix and bioactive components - Alessandra Bordoni
- Evaluation of the physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of products - Giulia Tabanelli
- Set up of in vitro methods and animal models for the evaluation of the health effects of food bioactive components - Francesca Danesi
- Biomarker identification to assess the effects of bioactive components in humans - Alessandra Bordoni
- Human studies for the validation of nutritional/health claims (including analysis of biological samples and statistical analysis of the results) - Francesca Danesi
- Preparation of the nutritional/health claims application - Alessandra Bordoni
- Packaging, designing and testing: shelf-life evaluation of food products and bioactive components - Santina Romani
- Effects of industrial processes on the nutritional qualities of foods - Francesca Danesi
- Selection of nutritional/health claims according to EU Regulation - Alessandra Bordoni
- Market survey and consumer trends towards functional foods - Luca Camanzi
- Evaluation of dietary habits of the population in order to identify risk behaviours and prevention strategies - Salvatore Zappala'
Food quality and typical food products
- Physical, chemical, sensorial and microbial characteristics of traditional foods - Alessandra Bendini
- Characterization of microbial components, vegetal and animal species - Francesca Patrignani
- Quality characterization of local products by HR-NMR e solid phase NMR - Francesco Capozzi
- Molecular traceability and chemometrics to define food quality and tipicality - Luca Fontanesi
- Panel test evaluation and sensorial analysis of local food - TULLIA GALLINA TOSCHI
- Proteomics in animal food - Giulia Andreani
- Characterization of the composition of food products - Federica Pasini
- Evaluation of typicality by flavour analysis, markers of authenticity and chemometrics - Enrico Valli
- Methods to increase functional molecules and decrease undesired contaminants in local food - Francesco Capozzi
- Modification of technological processese to improve quality of local products - Marco Dalla Rosa
- Quality optimization of raw material for local product production - Moreno Toselli
- Sensorial analysis of food products to assess the effects of process or raw material modification - Alessandra Bendini
- Consumer science - Maurizio Canavari
Food microbiology and microorganisms of industrial interest
- Microbial strain selection for food production: enzymatic, physiological, and genetic characterization - Rosalba Lanciotti
- Microbial strain selection: technological characterization - Giulia Tabanelli
- Process and plant optimization for fermented foods - Francesca Patrignani
- Quality, safety and impact on human health of fermented products containing probiotic microorganisms - Andrea Gianotti
- Otpimization of fermentation conditions: traceability and authenticity of typical or brand fermented food products - Fausto Gardini
- Modulation of microbial growth and shelf-life evaluation as a function of formulation and storage condition - Fausto Gardini
- Microbiological activity in food: risk analysis - Lucia Vannini
- Microbial response to environmental stress: optimization of microbial performance - Rosalba Lanciotti
- Procedures and optimization of microbiological processes in fermented food and feed - Lucia Vannini
- Characterization of products of microbial origin: biomass, metabolites, natural antibiotics. Conversion and transformation processes of food an by-products - Francesca Patrignani
- Predictive microbiology for shelf-life prevision, for food safety and for innovative products. - Giulia Tabanelli
- Combined stabilization strategies to enhance shelf-life and food safety - Giulia Tabanelli
- Molecular analyses for the identification of pathogens and spoilage microorganisms and the evaluation of their impact on final product, - Andrea Gianotti
- Optimization of traditional stabilizing treatment to improve food quality - Fausto Gardini
- Innovative strategies for microbial control: the use of natural antimicrobials and thermal treatments - Rosalba Lanciotti
- Marker identification for the instrumental detection of desired or undesired microflora: set up of markers or indicators - Lucia Vannini
- Effects of packaging on the evolution of food microbial population - Rosalba Lanciotti
- Interaction between food microorganisms and gut microbiota - Patrizia Brigidi
- Microbial analysis, challenge tests, instrumental analyses - Francesca Patrignani
Machinery and plants
- Plant layout optimization - Angelo Fabbri
- Optimization of logistical flows, interoperational buffer and stoking areas, managing policy of the logistic productive system - Riccardo Accorsi
- Fluidodinamic simulation of components and circuit - Chiara Cevoli
- Heat exchange coefficient evaluation - Chiara Cevoli
Innovation and optimization of process/product
- Definition of product specifications and analytical methods of verification - Enrico Valli
- Production flow chart, raw material HACCP and QFD, formulation, packaging and conservation conditions - Santina Romani
- Lab trails and scale-up to pilot plants of experimental production diagrams; check of the physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics - Pietro Rocculi
- Microbial kinetics during food storage - Lucia Vannini
- Thermal property measurement during processing steps and within container - Silvia Tappi
- Monitoring of chemical, physical, and biochemical characteristics (enzymatic activity and kinetics) during storage - Andrea Versari
- Design of experiment (DoE) and Food Design to study interaction between formulation and process conditions - Alessandro Paglianti
- Experimental studies of formulations and processes: use of bioactive components from out-streams or by-products - Marco Dalla Rosa
- Analysis of the physical, rheological, chemical, microbial, and sensorial properties during storage - Alessandra Bendini
- Input-output correlations to assess operational parameters - Maria Caboni
- Analytical tests for shelf-life characterization - Santina Romani
- On-line product control feasibility for process optimization - Marco Dalla Rosa
- Non-conventional thermal and non-thermal technologies for product stabilization, extraction, and conservation - Luigi Ragni
- Product processing design: algorithms for automatic predictive control - Chiara Cevoli
- Numerical simulation to define process-product interaction - Chiara Cevoli
- Statistical control of the process - Angelo Fabbri
- Operator practical training for process control and lab tests - Marco Dalla Rosa
- Optimization of processing conditions by desing of experiments (DoE) for product development - Alessandro Paglianti
- Improvement of process efficiency for saving direct and indirect costs - Pietro Rocculi
Valorization of food industry byproducts
- Design of exnzymatic processes for transformations or bioconversions: ptimization of the processing conditions and characterization of the product - Rosalba Lanciotti
- Stabilization and characterization of incapsulated enzymes
- Microorganism selection for a particular process - Fausto Gardini
- Optimization of fermentation process, study and evaluation of the nutritional and functional properties of ingredients, valorisation of ingredients and products - TULLIA GALLINA TOSCHI
- New ingredients, feed, and food formulation - Urszula Tylewicz
- Support in industrial scaling-up processing - Alessandro Paglianti
- Biorefinery for the exploitation and valorisation of by products and waste from agrofood and feed industry - Annalisa Tassoni
- Optimization of fermentation and biotransformation processes - Lorenzo Bertin
- Shelf-life modelization on tailor made ingredients or product - Fausto Gardini
- Evaluation of the functional properties of ingredients and new product formulation - Francesca Danesi
- Safety regulations and standards for food by-products, leftovers, microorganisms and processes - Filippo Briguglio
Quality of raw materials
- Technological strategies for the imporvement of organoleptic and nutritional properties of raw materials strategies - Silvio Salvi
- Analysis of chemical compositions and qualitative characteristics of lipid fractions of pig carcasses and thighs - Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada
- Rapid non-destructive methods for the optimization , characterization, and monitoring of raw material and finished products - Luigi Ragni
- Transformation potential of oenological raw materials (grape, musts, etc.) - Andrea Versari
- Determination of the protein variation during product processing (i.e. dairy and meat products) - Massimiliano Petracci
- Analysis of grape, fruits and food processing left-overs - Moreno Toselli
- Quality assesment of milk and meat - Massimiliano Petracci
- Chemical and chemo-physical analysis on meat and vegetal products - Massimiliano Petracci
- Analysis of standards and regulations: laws and guidelines for protected, typical and biological raw material - Filippo Briguglio
- Intruments and services for precision agriculture - Luca Corelli
- Packaging innovation to enhance food shelf-life - Santina Romani
- Shelf-life evaluation and study of the interaction packaging-product - Santina Romani
- Development of new active and intelligent packaging - Nadia Lotti
- Evaluation of packaging mechanical resistance with numeric simulation and experimental trials - Angelo Fabbri
- Chemical analyses for food quality and safety (off-flavours, plasticizers) - TULLIA GALLINA TOSCHI
- Evaluation of microorganism development on raw materials and packaged foods - Francesca Patrignani
- Quality control of products with electronic noses - Enrico Valli
- Life cycle assessment for food packaging - Nadia Lotti
- Specific migration analysis of one or more packagings - Santina Romani
- Global migration analysis of one or more packagings - Urszula Tylewicz
- Mechanical tests on packaging and packaging materials - Luigi Ragni
- Studies on packaging permeability to gases (O2) and water vapour - Nadia Lotti
- Characterization of polymeric material by differential scanning calorimetry and NMR - Francesco Capozzi
Molecular traceability and systems for traceability
- Methods for the specific and varietal identification based on single components within blends - Stefano Del Duca
- Food traceability by spectroscopic techniques, NMR, proteomic and peptidomic methods for the identification of ingredients or contaminants - Gloria Isani
- Traceability of compositional changes during processing by chemical, biochemical, and genetic analyses - Luca Fontanesi
- Traceability of geographical origin by spettroscopic, proteomic, and genetic analyses - Paolo Zambonelli
- Molecular characterization of DNA, protein, peptides and metabolites - Giulia Andreani
- Analysis of standards and regulations: laws and guidelines for protected, biological raw material, and processing - Filippo Briguglio
- Regulation on GMOs and labelling - Filippo Briguglio