A collection of case histories of successful collaborations between High Technology Network Laboratories and businesses. These are tangible and customisable examples of the application of new technologies, products, or services that show how industrial research can meet the needs of innovation.

Results: 108

Production of porous ceramic materials

Porous ceramics: sustainable and multifunctional materials

Processes for the production of ceramic-based articles with controlled porosity in terms of volume, morphology, size, interconnection, 3D distribution. ISTEC manufactures ceramic or hybrid architectures with functional porosity (multidimensional from...

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Microsystem components

Micronozzle is a device that allow the fabrication of flexible tube made of polymeric material obtained by extrusion. The tubes are made by extrusion of a polymer melt forced to pass through a suitable nozzle size equal to the section of pipe that is...

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Development of hybrid self-lubricant coatings for mechanical applications

Liquid lubricant replacement strategies

The growing need for energy and raw material savings and the desire to increase the lifetime of mechanical systems stimulate tribology applied research, aimed to the development of anti-friction and anti-wear technological solutions. Mainly, in some...

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Nanostructured surface functionalization to improve efficiency in axial piston hydraulic pumps

Nanotechnologies improve efficiency

The project idea is based on the consideration that a significant part of energy losses in volumetric machines is due to friction between moving parts. The need to provide, especially at low speed, hydraulic lift for a correct lubrication is a...

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Cryogenic machining for hard to machine aerospace alloys

Improvement of productivity for machining aeronautical materials

Titanium alloys and Ni-based super-alloys are notoriously difficult to machine materials mainly because of their low thermal conductivity. This causes high cutting temperatures with a consequent triggering of a series of problems related to thermal...

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SMR – Sustainable Metal Replacement. High performance polymers for the CO2 emissions reduction

Metal-Plastic reengineering for environmental sustainability.

The growing awareness of environmental emergencies has led companies to take urgent measures with regard to Product and Process Innovation. In this context arise GHEPI's research and analysis activities, through the “Sustainable Metal Replacement”...

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Trajectory Optimization for Electric Actuators: Power Consumption Reduction and Vibration Cancelling

Optimal trajectories for mechatronic systems with high dynamics

In the field of automatic machines and Robots with high dynamics the need for velocities higher and higher collides with the requirements of precision and reliability. This is mainly caused by the motion control systems that are not able to track...

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Benchmarking of commercial platforms for automation

Not to be "dazzled" by marketing of suppliers

The design of control systems can be based on commercial off-the-shelf devices, easily scalable and interoperable. The rapid growth of the functionalities, which characterize modern control systems, complicates the selection of the proper...

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Reconfigurable high flexibility robotic systems, for precision machining

Robotics for Machining

Industrial robots are seldom capable to provide high precision in a mechanical machining process, thus are limited in their industrial use. The LaPIS laboratory @ INTERMECH-Mo.Re. proposes an integrated method for designing robotic systems, with high...

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Technical and economic assessment and energy capability verification of renewable energy plants

Analysis and control of the technical and economic factors that affect investments in renewable energy plants

The technical and economic assessment of plants producing electrical and/or thermal energy from renewable sources (biomass, wind, photovoltaic, hydroelectric) is essential to design the plant itself and monitor its performance. The system's...

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Vibration diagnostics and quality control

Hardware and software solutions to identify defects and malfunctions

The assessment of product quality using objective techniques and the identification of defects or malfunctions during testing play an increasingly dominant role in enterprises. These objectives may often be pursued by studying the vibratory signal...

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Vibro-acoustic optimisation of industrial products and machinery

We improve vibro-acoustic performance

Especially over the last few years, the aspects connected to vibro-acoustic issues have been playing a key role within the design pathway of industrial products and machinery. In particular, following regulations that limit the emission of vibration...

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Pneumatic micro-valves

Components for micro-systems and microfluidic platforms.

Micro-valves are basic components of microfluidic systems as they allow fluids to be conveyed, exchanged and controlled. These devices may be either connected on a platform with microfluidic channels or integrated within more complex microfluidic...

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FASTER: Aerial platform for territory monitoring

The Earth from Above

FASTER (Fully Automated SysTem for Environmental monitoRing) is an autonomous system for aerial photography, thermography and remote sensing applications, suitable for ultralight aircraft and drones. The system makes it possible to acquire in real...

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PROUD - Car Test 2013

Public Road Urban Driverless-Car Test 2013

For the first time in history, during the PROUD-Car Test 2013 (held on 12 July 2013 in Parma) a driver-less vehicle navigated town streets open to regular traffic in total safety. Recently, other similar systems have been developed by other...

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Mobile Vision for augmented interactions

Automatic place recognition through images

Application for mobile devices (smartphones or wearable video cameras) that allows the surrounding environment, objects and people and their actions and interactions to be recognised and understood. Processing takes place directly on the device, and...

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Aggregation of the haulage demand

Advanced software tools able to reduce the costs and impact of freight traffic generated by industrial districts taking advantage of the co-location of a number of companies. The nature itself of the Italian virtual enterprise, based on a complex...

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For the leading company and its partners

The purpose of the research is to analyse and test an innovative software solution supporting scheduling and coordination of activities within an enterprise network. The instrument being developed is a sort of ERP for collaborative small-to-medium...

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i-Maintenance - Remote control of industrial machines and systems

Remote control of industrial machines and systems

Remote monitoring and control of automatic machines and systems is one of the most interesting ICT application sectors at industrial level. The i-Maintenance platform by CenTec allows monitoring and control, diagnostics and prognostics, configuration...

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Sentiment Analysis Systems for Business Intelligence

Analysis ofthe opinions expressed on the internet on a topic

The implemented Social Business Intelligence system makes it possible to interpret and analyse unstructured texts generated and collected from the web, to extract qualitative and quantitative assessments. Specifically, the system exceeds the...

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